Big suprise

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I woke up with a nauseous feeling in my stomach. I ran to the toilet and threw up. I have no idea what time it is, all I know is that I am sick. I woke Zach up and he headed towards my. He held my hair back as I threw up.

" Are you okay?" He asked.

" I'm not sure. Can you take me to the drug store to get some head ache medicine," I need to see if I'm pregnant I also need medicine for this splitting head ache.

" Okay, well we need to get dressed first," he looked me. " Do you think it's something you are?" He asked. He has no idea what's going on right now. That's probably for the best, I just need to know.

" Yea I think so," I lied.

*At the drug store*

" Alright, I'll be right back," I said.

" I can go with you if you want," he said.

" No, it's okay. I'll be right back," I said.

" Okay," I hopped out of the car and made sure I had my purse.

I walked in the drug store and went straight to the pregnancy tests. I took 2 just to make sure. Then I went to the pill isle. I looked for migraine medicine. I went to the counter and laid the things down.

" Awe, are you expecting?" The woman asked.

" Hopefully, do you have any suggestions?" I asked. I have no idea what to do.

" Yea, of course. Most woman, crave chocolate or ice cream so make sure you have both of those around. Eat a lot of fruits and vitamins so the cramps will be easier," she smiled.

" Thank you, might as well add some chocolate bars to this purchase," I grabbed a snickers and a Kit Kat.

She checked the items out and put them in a bag.

" Good luck, have a great day," I smiled and put the pregnancy tests in my purse I left the medicine and chocolate in there and went back to the car.

" Find everything?" Zach asked.

" Yep," I smiled and we headed home.

Once we headed home, I went to the bathroom. Zach went to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

I took the test and waited 5 minutes. I went back outside with the strip in my hand.

" Hey Zach?" I said.

" Yes?" He answered.

" I have a surprise for you," I said getting excited.

" what is it?" I came out of the hallway and went to where he was standing. I showed him the test and he smiled.

" We are going to have a baby!" He screamed.

" I can't believe it! I am so happy!" I screamed with him." We need to set up a doctors appointment and get everything set up!"

" Alright, I will go call the doctors office," I said.

" Hey, I'll do it. Don't worry about it," I smiled and went to the couch. I got my candy bar out of my purse.

I munched on it while I went on Netflix. This is going to be a lazy day for sure.

" Alright it is all set up now. I'll be editing videos in the office if you need me,"

" Alright, I'll be chilling in here," I replied.

I got my phone out and texting Dalton.

" Hey, you want to come over," K

" Alright, what time?" D

I checked the time and it is 12:30. Hmmm.

" Maybe, around 3?" K

" Alright see you then," D

I turned my attention back to Netflix. Pip hopped on my lap and cuddled with me. I really need to hurry up on my episodes.

* 2 1/2 hours later*

Okay, have officially caught up on all the episodes. I checked my phone and it is 3:05. I got up and tried to clean up.

I heard a knock on our door and walked over. I opened the door and Dalton smiled at me.

" Hello, how are you," he said. He gave me a hug and came in.

" Actually really good, I have a surprise," I said.

" Oh really?" He said. He took a seat on the couch.

" I'll be right back, I am going to go get Zach," I said.

I went to his office and slowly opened the door. I walked behind him and hugged him from the back.

" Hey, we have company. Dalton is here and I want to tell him the big news," I kissed him on the cheek and I could feel him smiling.

" Alright," he got up and grabbed my hand. We went in the living room to Dalton waiting.

I sat down and started.

" So, we figured out this morning that..... I am pregnant!" I said.

He smiled and looked really excited.

" That's awesome!!! Do you have any baby names that you wanted?" He asked.

" No, not yet, we have a doctors appointment in 2 months," Zach said.

" That's awesome!" He laughed. " Just make sure that it is not going to be easy," he said.

" Yea, the hormones are going to be hard to control but I can try," I said.

" I want to treat you to lunch," Dalton said.

" You don't have to have to do that," I said.

" I want to, this is a wonderful occasion. Plus, you need to save up your money for diapers and baby food," he got up and held his hands out.

Zach took one and I took the other one. We walked outside and piled in his car. He started the car and backed out of the driveway.

He headed towards the mall and parked.

" Alright, let's go get some pretzels and go run around like teenagers," he smiled,

*After mall trip*

" Thank you so much for taking us here," I said. I hugged him and smiled.

" No problem. I liked hanging out with you," we both smiled.

I checked my phone and it is 5:40. Dalton dropped us off and we went inside. I got laundry and went to the laundry room. I did a couple loads and went to the living. I started folding and Zach helped me.

" Do you need anything? Are you hungry?" He asked.

" No, I just ate a pretzel," I laughed.

" I am just making sure, I read on a website that you are eating for two now," I laughed.

" You really don't know much about pregnancy, do you?"

" No, not really," he said innocently.

" Well, Amy used to get pregnant a lot before she was in prison. I studied her through her phases and she always ending up getting an abortion. We are never going to get an abortion," I said.

" That's just cruel," he said.

" Yea, but the good news is, that the babies will go to someone else more caring," I smiled. " Anyway, we will take it step by step and see where it goes from there," I said.
I hope you like this chapter! We are coming really close to the end!

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