The Best of Roommates (Hamilsquad x reader) Modern AU

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(Also Hamilton x Laurens and implied Thomas Jefferson x reader)

When you started your first term at university, you immediately decided that living on campus was not your thing. That was how you found yourself living off campus with one Mr. John Laurens. He was a year or two ahead of you and a pre-law major. He wanted "fight for the little guy", as he put it. Honestly, the two of you got on pretty well. And you adored his two best friends, Herc and Laf. You were the four Musketeers and you knew you'd do anything to keep them happy. Something you'd have the opportunity to do when John met...him.

You smiled to yourself when you heard the door open. The new term had started and John's last class ran later than yours, so you were already home cooking. "Hey, John! How was-" you cut off when John came strolling in with a giddy smile on his face, followed by Herc and Laf who were chuckling softly.

"What's with him?" you asked them, pointing to John. Herc started making obscene movements with his pelvis while Laf merely smiled and placed a hand over his heart. "Our dear ami has met the love of his life today!" Your head whipped around to John and you grinned. "Shut up," he muttered as a light dusting of pink appeared on his freckled cheeks.

"Who is it?!" you asked immediately. If Herc and Laf were this invested, this person must be something. John's blush deepened and he looked away as he muttered something. Herc rolled his eyes. "Hamilton. The guy's name is Hamilton. He's been here a while, but mostly keeps to himself, writing all the time, unless he's got something to say. The professor paired them up as co-counselors for a mock trial next week. Poor Laurens can't even speak to the guy."

John let out a groan as he flopped down onto the couch. You arched a brow. John had never been like this before. Dramatic, yes, but never over a guy. "Invite him over," you said simply. John's gaze shot up to you. "Are you insane, Y/N? I can't talk to the guy. I get a little tongue-tied." You shrugged a little.

"You have to work with him on this mock trial. Invite him over to prep for it. At some point, the three of us will make an excuse to slip out and you can he can spend some one-on-one time where you're comfortable." Herc and Laf agreed whole-heartedly. John always put others before himself. Now it was his turn to be happy. You suddenly felt yourself being pulled into a hug. "You're the best, Y/N!" You chucked and rolled your eyes.

*short time skip*

Alexander Hamilton was...interesting, to say the least. He was opinionated and loud. When he took a stand about something, everyone knew it. He would make a great lawyer. His personality seemed almost the opposite of John's, but even so, you could see the fight in him and you liked that. Not to mention, he and John looked positively adorable together. You and the others liked him immediately and it was clear to you that he had some serious heart-eyes for John.

After introductions were made, the five of you sat around talking for a few minutes. Laf was quietly encouraging John to make a move. Herc was trying to get as much information out of Alexander as possible. He took his job as the "dad" of your group very seriously. Meanwhile, you were just trying to figure out the best way to get the three of you out of there so Alexander and John could be alone for a bit.

"Well," you started after a bit, making a little show of getting up and stretching, "I gotta go. I've got a project of my own to work on. I'm supposed to meet Jefferson tonight." Alexander made a face. "Thomas Jefferson?" he asked. You chuckled a bit. John had told you all about Alexander's hatred of Jefferson. "Yeah. I know how you feel. Which is why these knuckleheads," you continued on, pulling at Herc and Laf's sleeves, "Are coming with me. So I don't strangle the man." John flashed you a grateful smile as you practically dragged the others out the door.

Since you didn't actually have a project with Jefferson, you and your friends decided to grab some food and caffeine, taking your time to sit and enjoy it. "Do you think they will be happy together?" Laf asked, making the women at the table behind you swoon. You shrugged. "I don't know, Laf. All I know is that John deserves to be with someone who makes him happy. I've never seen him smile about anyone else the way he does when he talks about Alexander."

"What about you? Anyone you've got your eye on?" Herc asked. You choked a little on your food and shook your head. They didn't need to know, at least not yet. "I only have eyes for you, Hercules," you replied sarcastically when you could talk again. He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Besides, I think we should focus on Laf next. I saw he had his eyes on Peggy Schuyler." Laf looked down at his plate and rubbed the back of his neck. You and Herc laughed a little before shifting the conversation and relieving your friend of his embarrassment. When you finally ran out of topics for the day, you returned to your apartment while Herc and Laf made their way back to the dorms.

You quietly unlocked the door and opened it. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight before you. Clearly, no studying had been done at all. Papers were scattered to the floor and even from where you were standing, you could see a fresh hickey on your roommate's neck. Somehow, the two of them managed to arrange themselves to sleep on tiny sofa, with John practically draped on top of Alexander. Their eyes were closed and Alexander had his arms wrapped around John. Your plan had worked it seemed. Smiling to yourself, you pulled out your phone and took a pic.

Quietly closing the door behind you, you sent the pic off to your friends with the caption, "Y/F/N, Matchmaker Extraordinaire!" They both replied quickly, making you smile. You walked away from the apartment, feeling better knowing that you had helped your best friend and the best roommate you could have asked for find happiness.

Your phone ringing brought you out of your little bubble. You glanced at the caller ID and beamed once more. "Hello, Darlin'," the voice on the other end greeted. You chuckled at the Virginian as butterflies erupted in your stomach. "Hey, Thomas. I'm on my way over." After all, John wasn't the only one who needed a little joy in his life. 

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