Against Orders (Benjamin Tallmadge x fem!reader)

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(mentions of kidnapping!)

"'Ey, Tall boy! Get out here. There's someone here who wants to see ya!" Ben rolled his eyes at the nickname his best friend had given him. He stood and stepped out of his tent, only to stop dead in his tracks. There, standing in front of him, was you. The woman of his absolute dreams. The woman he had fallen in love with when you were still teenagers. The adopted sister of his best friend which meant one thing. You were absolutely and unequivocally off limits.

"Are you just going to stand there staring or are you going to hug me?" you asked with a cheeky smile. Ben couldn't help but laugh as he opened his arms. "Missed you, Benny," you whispered so only he could hear as you stepped into his embrace. He fought back a smile that he knew Caleb would see. If Caleb figured out that Ben's thoughts were often less than innocent, he'd get punched in the face.

"Why are you here?" You chuckled a bit as you pulled back. "Well after...after Simcoe executed our uncle, your father took me in. But you know I've always been a bit too wild for him," you told him with a laugh, "He sent me to visit with Caleb for a bit while there's a lull in the fighting."

"And I'm happy ta have, ya, but I have to make a short run. I leave ya in Benny-boy's capable hands." Benny started to argue, but then he thought about it. He too had a little bit of a reprieve, one that would probably be spent working regardless. Perhaps he could put it to good use and spend time with you instead. He nodded his head before he could stop himself and Caleb left, leaving the two of you alone.

"I really did miss you, Ben. Living with your father has brought back memories of running through the fields away from you and Caleb as you tried to put a frog down the back of my dress." Benny laughed and shook his head. He remembered that too. He remembered everything about you. He even recalled the first time he realized he was in love with you.

Even in his dreams, he remembered how beautiful you looked with the water of the river reflecting the sun against your skin as he and Caleb rowed away. He could still see the tears that poured down your face as you stood there with Anna and Abraham. Your eyes had met his and he almost changed his mind. But he had a job to do. He couldn't stay for his own selfish reasons.

"Ben?" your voice broke Ben out of his reverie and he smiled at you. "Sorry. Let me show you around." You nodded and linked your arm with his. As the two of you walked through camp, you did your best to ignore the stares and pointed whispers, especially when you happened upon General Washington briefly. You talked with Ben, telling him about everything happening in Setauket. But Ben noticed you refused to tell him much about yourself. When he asked about it, your face changed and you looked like you'd seen a ghost.

"There's something I have to tell you. Your father didn't send me. I begged to come. One last chance to see you before your father continues his search for a husband...for me," you admitted, making Ben freeze. You were considering marriage? "I don't want to talk about that, though. I came to see you and Caleb, and that is what I plan on focusing on. Alright?" you told him with a smile so bright, Ben had to laugh. He would wish he'd taken that moment to tell you that he didn't want you marrying anyone but him. But how could he have known that you would nearly be taken from him?

*short time skip*

It was your second evening visiting when Caleb came running over to Ben in a frenzy. "Ben! She's gone! Y/N is gone!" Ben was instantly on high alert. "What?!" Caleb panted for a moment. "One of the wives said she saw a man take her. Matches Robert Rogers' description! He took her, Ben. He took my sister!" Ben was on his feet in a second. "Which way?" Caleb stared at him, pointing in a direction.

"The general ordered you to stay put, Ben. We knew Rogers was in the area." Ben clenched his fists at his side. He had indeed been ordered by Washington to stay in camp. Rogers was out for revenge and everyone knew it. But this was you! He couldn't leave you in the hands of that murderous drunk. He just couldn't. His decision made, his blue eyes never left Caleb's as he grabbed his belongings.

"I will deal with the general after we get Y/N back." Caleb merely stared at him in disbelief. Not that Ben blamed him. It wasn't like him to go against his orders. He was hot-headed, true, but he admired Washington and obeyed nearly every order. But this time, he had no choice. You were his priority.

The walk through the thick woods was quiet for a bit. Ben's mind and heart were racing. He took a page from his father's book at prayed that he wasn't too late. Rogers wasn't exactly mentally stable. Ben had no idea if he would actually kill you. He couldn't take that chance. So, he said nothing and continued searching for signs of you. It was Caleb who broke the silence.

"So how long have ya been in love with my sister, Tall boy?" Ben froze in place. His spine stiffened as he glanced over his shoulder at his closest friend. To his surprise, there was no anger in Caleb's face. Only amusement and curiosity. Ben swallowed thickly. He didn't know how to answer that without bringing about Caleb's wrath.

"Relax, Benny. If there's anyone capable of lovin' and protectin' her, it's ya. I already see ya as family." Ben felt a smile creep up onto his lips. "Thank you, Caleb. Let's just hope we get to her in time." The two men shared a quick glance before heading off in search of you again. Ben knew that, when he found you, he was going to tell you right then and there that he loved you. He would ask you to marry him when the war was over. 

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