Nursing the Blinders (Aberama Gold x chubby!fem reader)

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Small Heath wasn't exactly where you envisioned living, but that's where you ended up. You didn't love it. You didn't hate it. At least at first. Really, you sort of traveled anywhere your employers told you to. The Peaky Blinders were more than just your employers though. They were your friends and family. Not to mention, they paid you well for your silence whenever they came to you after a brawl or some other such thing.

Without even meaning to, you'd become something of a nurse for those young men and you'd be lying if you said you didn't love it. The excitement, the danger, the feeling of belonging. The only time you didn't enjoy it was when Finn or Isaiah, the two youngest boys, got hurt. Other than that, you didn't mind patching the boys up every now and again. It was only when they brought in the Golds that things started to change.

Bonnie was a good kid. Stubborn as hell with a bit of a temper, but otherwise a good kid. And he made the Blinders a good bit of money. He wasn't the cause of the change. It was his father. Aberama. You knew the man's reputation and honestly, you were petrified that you were going to do or say something wrong with him around and the Shelby boys would not be able to protect you. You wouldn't have been at all surprised.

It started with him demanding to know who you were to the Shelbys. He seemed placated enough when Tommy explained. But then, you could feel his eyes on you whenever you were in the room. He didn't even try to hide it. Every time you looked at him, his eyes were already on yours, like a cat waiting to pounce. It always sent a shiver of both fear and excitement through you.

There was no denying the man was attractive. A little violent for your taste, if rumors were to be believed, but attractive nevertheless. He was also a doting father to his boy. It could sometimes be a problem when he hovered over your shoulder when you attended Bonnie's wounds, but he never said a word. Nor did you expect him to. A guy like Aberama Gold wouldn't go for a gal like you. Not to your thinking, anyway.

You weren't exactly a lady. At least not one like Ada or Polly. You spent all your time near the fighting ring instead of other feminine pursuits. You were a little thicker in the...well, everywhere, than they were. Not that you minded most of the time, but many of the men and women you met seemed to. You thought, surely, if Aberama Gold were to fall for a woman involved with the Shelby's, it'd be one of them.

You were proven wrong one evening when you were once again nursing Bonnie's bloody lip. "You really let him get you, huh?" you asked with a smile. Bonnie laughed before wincing. "Don't laugh, you'll split your lip again." Bonnie shrugged a bit. "I'll be fine." He was quiet for a moment before he spoke up again, "I can see why my father likes you." Your head snapped up to meet his gaze. "I beg your pardon?" Bonnie simply smirked and shook his head.

You and Bonnie talked about other things for a couple minutes more before you felt a familiar presence behind you. "Good evening, Mr. Gold," you greeted, standing up. You flashed him a quick a smile before moving to leave the two alone. At least, you thought you were leaving them alone. You didn't pay attention to the sound of footsteps following you.

"Join me for a drink?" You jumped at the sound of his voice behind you. Turning to face Aberama, you looked at him with wide eyes. "Sorry, what?" Aberama chuckled quietly and repeated his request. You bit your lip, contemplating how much of a bad idea it was, but you found yourself nodding anyway. It turned out to be a good thing.

*time skip*

After that one night, you and Aberama hit it off. He was every bit the man the rumors said he was and so much more. Yes he was violent and sometimes frightening, but underneath all that, beat the heart of romantic. You found yourself falling and falling hard. Still, there was no indication he felt the same so you had to be content with being friends. That didn't stop your mind from fantasizing, even if it did bother Thomas Shelby to no end.

"I don't understand it," he said, "Three weeks ago, you were too frightened of the man to go near him. What the hell happened?" You simply laughed a bit and shrugged. "What can I say? I like a bit of danger." Tommy rolled his eyes and shook his head. It was obvious that it bothered him how quickly you and Aberama had gotten close. He probably thought it would affect the business.

"Good evening, Thomas. Y/N," Aberama greeted as he came into the gymnasium. Tommy's eyes swung over to him, giving him that oh-so-famous unimpressed look. You snorted out a laugh and turned your gaze to Aberama. "Interrupting, am I?" You shook your head and assured him it was fine.

Tommy shot you a look that said you were nowhere near done with the conversation before sauntering over to join his brothers. You laughed and shook your head fondly. Honestly, it felt as if you were part of this dangerous and crazy family. You turned back to Aberama. "Is Bonnie ready?" Aberama smirked and nodded. "Course. My boy is always ready to get in the ring. Stay tonight?" You shifted a little on your feet. You never stayed to watch the real fights. Practice ones, sure, but the real ones got to you. Especially since you'd grow so close to the Golds.

"For Bonnie? For me?" You glanced up into those eyes you'd come to adore and couldn't say no. "Just this once," you said, causing Aberama to laugh a bit. You practically glued yourself to his side during the fight. When Bonnie was hit across the cheek, you winced. Aberama didn't seem to think twice about wrapping his arm around you and pulling you even closer to him.

You felt heat hit your face and you wished he would stop. He was going to give people the wrong idea. As soon as the fight was over(with Bonnie victorious, of course), you pushed away from Aberama. You hoped to get away for a bit of privacy as you felt tears welling up in your eyes. You knew he didn't know. He was just an affectionate guy to those he called friends and family. But every little touch just reminded you that he wasn't a romantic option for you.

You didn't make it far before you heard Aberama calling out to you. Bonnie needed looking over. "I'll be right there," you called out, willing the tears to stay down. After a moment, you cleaned yourself up, straightened your spine, and headed over to Bonnie. You gave Aberama a small smile as you passed. You focused on your work, missing the way Aberama's eyes followed your every move.

Aberama's POV

His gaze locked onto every curve of your body like a predator sizing up prey. There were three thoughts that crossed his mind in that moment. The first was absolutely inappropriate for the setting you were in. The second was how much faster his heart beat when you looked at him. And third was how was he ever going to tell you that you had completely consumed his every waking thought. How would he ever convince you that he was falling head-over-heels in love with you?

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