Heartbroken (Major Edmund Hewlett x fem!reader)

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When Edmund walked into the tavern, he didn't notice anything unusual at first. Then again, it was his first night in a tavern since his transfer to York City and this was one of the less popular ones in the city. It wasn't until he heard of a few of the other soldiers whispering about something that he noticed what was out of place. A young woman was quietly sitting at one of the tables.

Edmund turned to the tavern owner and asked about the woman. The tavern owner frowned. "That's Miss Y/F/N. She works for me, but after today, I'm leaving her be for a while. She needs it." Edmund asked what happened, but the owner shook his head saying that it wasn't his story to tell. Being the gentleman he was, Edmund knew you would need an escort back home whether it be him or someone you were familiar with, so he approached your table.

"It isn't safe for a young woman to be drinking in a tavern alone," he said. You looked up to see the British officer standing in front of you. You gave him a sad smile. "Then you are welcome to join me, Major, if your sense of propriety allows." You took another swallow of whatever it was you were drinking, grimacing at the burn in your throat, no doubt. Edmund sat down across from you.

"You're staring," you said suddenly. Edmund jumped a bit when he realized it was true. "I-I was merely wondering what could have been the cause of your obvious distress." Your eyes met his, narrowing slightly. It was clear that you were trying to access if he was a threat or not, which was pretty impressive considering you state of mind. "I suppose next you're going to tell me that I have too pretty of a face to be hiding behind a tankard?" Edmund shook his head immediately. "Not at all. I don't believe that form of so-called flattery is useful for anyone." At that you smiled briefly.

"A broken heart," you told him softly, "That's why I'm here." Edmund felt his gaze soften. He knew all too well what you were going through, though you handled it a bit differently. He had been prepared to run all the way back to Scotland while you were simply drinking your cares away.

"I understand. I, too, have recently suffered at the hands of another." You laughed humorlessly. "Tomorrow was supposed to be my wedding day. He broke off the engagement...for another woman." Edmund nodded, watching as you down the rest of your drink. You were clearly on the verge of tears so Edmund offered you his handkerchief and you apologized.

"There is nothing to apologize for. As I said, I understand." He told you that the same thing had happened to him. He felt his heart squeeze as he thought about Anna. Even after months of being away and thinking, he still couldn't understand it. He had offered her everything he could. He had loved her with everything that was in him to love. Even helped her with her divorce and she betrayed him. Humiliated him. He clenched his fists under the table.

"Perhaps you're right. I should go home." You rose from your seat, drying your eyes with his handkerchief. You handed it back, but he shook his head. "Keep it. May I walk you home? The sun has set and it would be dangerous for you to be alone." You paused for a moment, considering your options. Then, you nodded slowly.

The walk wasn't a long one, but it was nice to be outside where you could look up at the stars. "Thank you for keeping me company tonight, Major," you said when you reached your home, "It was better than drinking alone wallowing in my misery. I am sorry to have kept you from your own enjoyment." Edmund smiled lightly. "Nonsense. I came to the tavern to do exactly as you were doing. But I thought you might be in need of a friend." You rewarded his honesty with what he hoped was a genuine smile.

"I was. And I would be happy to call you my friend Major...I apologize again. I just realized I don't know your name." Edmund blushed as he offered it. "I hope to see you again, Major Hewlett. Good evening." You turned and walked into the house.

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