Chapter 10

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<no art today>


Mama promised to come back...
but Sam is getting worried, mister Sam say mama should been back now...
a month gone and mama's didn't come back.

"Ranboo...I'm sure Techno is just having trouble returning, please don't cry,"

crying burns, but water still fall.
Mama where are you? when will you come back?______________________________________________________________________________


Raged yells, accompanied with the banging of metal bars could be heard in the dark room where the missing piglin has stayed for the past month, his belongings taken, his clothes damp from the humidity of the sewers, his locks in total disarray.
new scars decorated his skin in all shapes and forms,  from cuts of sharp blades to burns of flames. 

yet under these conditions the pinkettes spirit was still intact, Technoblade continued to shake the bars vigorously trying to gain the duck hybrids attention. Quackity turned to face his prisoner, with a sickly sweet smile painted across his face, "Oh Techno, don't worry I'm just gonna pick a few 'toys' for us to play with, you'll get your attention soon enough," Laughter followed as the the blue clad walked out the room.

Techno's hands trembled slightly as he began to dread what Quackity was going to do, ever since Quackity had brought him to the room he had to suffer through the daily torture that Quackity oh so fondly enjoyed. Of course Techno never let Quackity have the satisfaction of hearing him scream, but the torture sessions seem to grow much more intense as the days went by.

"Look what I have in store today!" said Quackity while holding a bag, a whip's handle visibly sticking out of the bag, a chill ran down the piglins spine.

". . ." Techno remained silent as he watched the blue clad pull out the whip from the bag and creating a crack sound as it whipped the air. "oh don't be like that," he whined "be thankful I even let you eat you stupid pig," and soon the torture began.



I feel something is wrong.
techno seemed like someone who'd disappear leaving a catastrophic trail behind him.

so why hasn't he come back?
I hold my hand out to Ranboo ready to go to the prison and complete my tasks.
Ranboo had gotten into the habit of teleporting into random places which worries me, cause he once landed on the Tomminit Hotel billboard, almost falling off. so I've learned that holding onto him stops him from teleporting away from me.

Ranboo dragged along the path as I lead the way, he looked so depressed, his ears drooped, his eyes no longer holding the joy and curiosity it used to have.

"Ranboo...I'll try to look for him but I would need to leave you with someone else..."
Ranboo's eyes widen and his grip tightens, tears escaping from his eyes, "please don't leave me too, mista Sam..." he said quietly before bursting into broken cries, I crouch down too his eye level and gently grab his other hand.

"Hey, if you don't want me to leave ,I won't. " I say wiping away a stray tear and soon I am pulled into a hug by the crying little. 

I carry the sad child the rest of the way, but I couldn't shake the strange feeling as though someone is stalking me.

<I'm sorry for the not so happy chapter, I'm just having a very crumby day rn :(
but still hope you guys enjoy>
<also does anyone got any stories that they like? I need something to read but can't find anything *sad boi sounds*>

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