||~Chapter 4~||

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Dream (Clay's) POV (first person)

I sat along for a while after I had finished playing my violin. I honestly didn't expect it to sound good. After a while, however, I got bored. I wanted to explore! I got up and floated around until I saw a tall black structure with purple in the middle.

Curiosity got the best of me and I went towards it.

What could it be?

I stood inside it, and the next thing I know, I'm transported to a whole other realm! It felt kind of hot in there though. I explored for a bit, found a large structure, I explored that too, until I got to the edge of a cliff.

I looked down, there was a who bay of


Why did I have the temptation to jump in there? Why did I want to fall? I tried to move away from it, but I couldn't, like something was...keeping me there.

I didn't like this feeling. I wanted to go home.

Then, something washed over me....

This is how I died.

I sort of remembered how I died, I was startled, and the next thing I knew, I had fallen in.

But who startled me? And was it their fault I died?


I turned to the source of the voice, there stood George and Sapnap, a few yards away from me, "Dream, please, get away from there."

I did as I was told, I quickly floated towards them, not wanting to be near the lava anymore.

"I don't know what happened," I started, "I couldn't move, all I thought of was falling in there...."

"Hey," Sapnap said, "It's ok. Your safe, and that's all that matters."

I smiled at them and we quickly made our way back home, avoiding any mobs as best a possible.

But then, something came to me, something that I haven't thought of as my time as a ghost.

I wanted to be alive again....

But was that even possible?

George's POV (first person)

I tossed the ring from one hand to another. The green gem glinted each time the sun reflected on it. I wanted to give it to Dream, but something held me back. I didn't know what it was.

It was like the ring haunted me. Reminded me of the day he died. Others might think that a simple ring could do no harm, but this one, this one did.

And I hated it.

I wanted to get rid of it, but I stopped every time I was about to.

That's pissed me off even more.

Taking my anger out of a stupid ring seemed pointless, fucking stupid....

I set the ring down on my dresser, I felt sort of, relieved. Even if Dream has died, then returned as a ghost, it still felt like a part of him was in the ring.

Sometimes, he made me happy, just like the ring sometimes, and other times, he pissed me off, just like the ring.

Yet whenever Dream pissed me off, he would always make it up to me.

The ring couldn't do that.

Maybe it was time to put the ring to use.

I snatched up the ring and slowly made my way towards Dream's room, hoping that he would still be there, as hadn't gone back to the Nether.

Sure enough, he was there.

"Hey Dream?"

"Hey George! What's up?"

"There's...something I've been wanting to give you...."

"Oh, really?"

My grip on the ring was getting tighter. I held out my hand to show him the ring, "I-i got this for you a while ago...but I never got the chance to give it to you...."

Dream walked towards me, I grew anxious with every step he took.

"That's...for me?"

I nodded.

"It's really nice!" Dream said as he plucked the ring from my opened hand. He slid it onto his middle finger. It fit perfectly.

"Thank you George!" Dream exclaimed as he embraced me in a hug.

And what did I do? I just stood there in shock with a flustered face. Sure I liked the guy-as a friend of course nothing else! But how stupid was that to just stand there and not give him a hug back?!

He smiled at me before he sat down on his bed to examine the ring. I quickly hurried out, still with a flustered face. I was just embarrassed, ok!? I didn't...like him more than just a friend....

Did I?

I mean sure, he's a really nice, funny, cute-I mean not cute, no no no! Someone might think he's cute! Not me! Nope! He's...ok. He's kind, caring, handsome....NO NO NO! Not handsome!

But the more I thought about what I think of him, the more I realized...

I do love him....

But, can I really love someone who's dead? I just wished he hadn't died. I wished he was still alive.

But I knew that that wasn't possible, that he could never return back to his former self.

But one think that I did know, was that...

I want him alive

And I'll do possibly anything to make that happen.

This chapter was-sort, but I tried to make it longer I
just kept running out of ideas!

I swear I'll make next chapter longer!
Also thank you guys so much for 300+ reads!

Word Count: 864

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