||~Chapter 11~||

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They all laid there. He didn't know if they were unconscious or...dead. They just laid limp. All of them-Ranboo, Sapnap, Bad, Skeppy, Tubbo....Techno and Ghostbur were no where to be seen.

George just watched. The area was silent apart from the crackling of the fire that spread across the forest.

How could he have done this? To his own friends, there was no need to hurt them, so then, why did Dream do it.

It was in a blur of rage.

"How could you..?" George said to Dream as he walked up to him.

Dream kneel down to face George, he grabbed George by the chin and forced him to look at him,

"There was no other way," was all he said.


George was kicked to the floor, his sword fell out of his grasp and clattered to the floor.

"I will say this one more time..." Dream said, "There. Is. No. Other. Way."

George let out blood curling scream as a sword was driven straight into his stomach. His vision blurred, a pool of blood surrounded him. Laughter could be heard, but only for a moment. Then, everything blurred, things were getting dark. The laughter faded, everything went black.
George's POV (third person)

George gasped for air. Light crawled into the room through the window as the sun rose. The nightmare-it felt so real. There was a slight pain in his stomach. He felt dizzy. George crawled out of bed, everything look like it was spinning.

He slowly made his way to the kitchen to grab something to drink. On his way, he could of sworn he saw Dream across the hall. George blinked a few times, Dream wasn't there.

Must be from the lack of sleep, George thought to himself.

Stumbling on his own feet, George managed to get to the kitchen without waking anyone up. Techno and Ghostbur weren't there, so he thought that they must of gone out for a bit.

George grabbed a water bottle stored in the fridge. He was making his way back to his room when a ball of light caught his eye from the window. It floated there for a while before disappearing.

Without hesitation, George ran outside to follow it, trying not to fall over. It took him across a ravine, which he had to build a bridge to get across, though a forest, and finally, to a waterfall. The light disappeared, but George saw from a few feet away, Tommy.

He was sitting there by the lower part of the water fall where he saw Dream float up behind him. Then, Tommy ran, and Dream chased after him.

George chases after the both to try and talk some sense into Dream. They ran across a trail before both figures disappeared without a trace.

"...fucking hallucination," George mumbled to himself.


(Third person POV)

Sapnap has just woken up from his sleep. He made his way to the kitchen to get something to eat when George walking into the house.

"Hey where are you been-hey is that Dream's hoodie?" Sapnap asked.

"On a walk, and yes-it is Dream's hoodie. You have a problem with it?" George glared at Sapnap.


He watched as George made his way into the hallway, no doubt to his room. He couldn't blame him. Things were already difficult, and with times like these, Dream would always be there to comfort George, but he wasn't here at the moment.

Maybe he should try to comfort George instead.

He slowly made his way to George's room, ignoring his hunger. He could hear faint sobs coming from the other side of the door to George's room. Sapnap knocked. There was no reply. He knocked once more and still no reply.

Here goes nothing, Sapnap thought to himself.

He opened the door and was met with a sobbing George. He had his face in his hands, or was it the sweater? The hoodie for George to big so it made it look like he had sweater paws.

George was shaking as Sapnap made his way to him. Without hesitation, he pulled him into a hug.

"Everything's going to be alright George, don't worry."

George hurried his face in the crook of Sapnap's neck, still sobbing. Sapnap rocked them back and forth, hoping that it would at least calm George down. He didn't like seeing his friend in this state. He wished he never did, it was painful for him to see his closest friends like this. It tears at his own heart.

I had to get this chapter out :>

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