||~Chapter 17~||

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George's POV

But he died, George saw him die. Then, who was this? It couldn't possibly be him, someone had to be playing a sick joke-yeah, a joke. Yet, this "ghost" looked exactly like him. It couldn't be him, it just can't. George had already gotten use to the fact that Dream wasn't coming back anytime soon-and then this happens. Life-for George-was like a minefield, one wrong step-or in this case, one mistake-could ruin your life, explode, hurt you, cause you pain.

"Do-do I know you?" The ghost said.

George stood there, not muttering a single word. His was him-Dream-the one person George thought he lost, was back, but how?

"I-I don't understand, you-we saw you-you were gone..."

"If you mean gone as in "dead," then I guess you're right."

George took a deep breath, "Do you happen, to remember anything-by any chance?"

Dream shook his head, "No, just my name and how I died."

He doesn't remember anything then, he doesn't remember George, or the last events, not even a single thing. George buried his face in his hands as he fell to the ground, the grass hitting his knees. Things were going so well, he had adjusted to his situation, and everything just crumbled down.

When he looked back up, Dream was kneeling in front of him, "Hey, it's alright."

"How can you say that?"

Dream stayed quiet, but only for a second before replying with: "I just know, I don't know how-but I can feel it."

George-once again-had his head down. This was his Dream-the lovable, caring, sweet guy he once knew. Before he knew it, Dream had embraced George in a hug. George broke at that moment, all the pain he's been hiding-holding back-he let it all out. Dream held him tight, saying that things would be alright. But, George was unsure about that.



George had decided to take Dream back home, since he didn't want to lose Dream again. Everyone was there but Tommy, who had left earlier to go for a walk. Everyone seemed alarmed that Dream wasn't dead-or more likely-had disappeared. They all hung out, trying to figure out way for Dream to remember, until Tommy returned back home.

"Hey guys, I'm back," Tommy said as he entered the room.

Dream stepped back and hid behind George, who gave him a concerned look, "What wrong?"

Dream didn't respond, instead he shook his head violently. Unfortunately, George could not see Dream's facial expression, because his masked covered his face. Tommy seemed to notice George, "Hey what's wrong?"

George turned back to Tommy, "Nothing, don't worry."

Dream peeked out from behind George, Tommy's eyes widened as soon as he saw him. He drew his sword, looking furious. Tommy stormed up to George and pulled him out of the way. He was now facing Dream, who backed away and hit the wall.


Tommy raised his sword ready to strike at Dream, when Techno snatched the sword from his grip, "Tommy, that's enough!"

"BUT HE-!" Tommy began to say as he turned to face Technoblade, but Tubbo grabbed Tommy's arm and shook his head. Tommy seemed to relax at that moment. Tubbo beckoned Tommy to follow him outside, which he reluctantly followed.

"What was all that about?" Sapnap asked, standing off to the side.

Everyone turned to Dream, who was still backed against the wall. He sighed and explained his encounter with Tommy the other day. George walked up to Dream and hugged him.

"Everything is going to be alright."

At the end of the day, when the sun had set and the moon had risen into the sky, stars dotting the night sky, George led Dream to the room that was once his. As always, it was neat, nothing was out of place. Dream quickly plopped down onto the bed and got comfortable. George chuckled and kneeled down next to the bed.

"Someone's tired huh?"

Dream only nodded. George reached out to take off Dream's mask that covered his face. He saw is beautiful eyes, the freckles that dotted his face. George smiled and started to get up to leave, Dream grabbed his arm.

"Don't want me to leave?"

Dream nodded once again. George climbed into the bed next to him as he held Dream close. Dream quickly cuddled up close to him, resting his head in the crook of George's neck. He smiled to himself and dozed off.

Don't mind the short chapter y'all 🙄✋


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