||~Chapter 18~||

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The rays of the warm sunlight crept in through the window. George had woken up a few minutes ago. Dream, however, stayed fast asleep, which George adored. To be fair, George has always found Dream adorable in his own way. Of course, he didn't say it out loud in the past because of how nervous he was to say things like that. But that was in the past. George gained some confidence these past few weeks. He would usually be the one to take control of the situation.

Dream stirred from his slumber as George turned to his side to face him. He chuckled to himself as Dream slowly opened his eyes.

"Morning love," George said to Dream, "How'd you sleep?"

A faint tint of blush could be seen on Dream's face as he tried to hide it, "G-good, thanks for asking."

George got out of bed and headed out to the kitchen where the rest were at having breakfast. Few minutes later, Dream followed. Tommy kept glaring at him, which to be honest, made Dream uncomfortable. You could feel bad for him, and hate him at the same time since he had tried to kill Tommy. Dream stared out the window, where rain poured outside. Dream thought it would be a good idea to head out.

So, he headed for the door and rushed outside, the others behind him. It was clear that no one had told Dream that the rain could hurt a ghost, according to Ghostbur. So when Dream took his first few steps outside, the rain fell and rolled down his face, leaving burn marks. George quickly grabbed him by his hood and dragged him back inside. He lead Dream to the bathroom where George then wiped his face, and smeared a cream that was made out of a herb.

"Maybe we should of warned you about this," George said.

"Ya think?"

George couldn't help but chuckle at his sarcasm, while Dream just glared at him, before breaking into a fit of laughter. If George were to be honest, he would say that he missed Dream's laughter. There was something about it that made it so contagious. Often, Dream would wheeze, which sounded like a literal tea kettle.

After returning to the kitchen, Dream stared at Tommy. Something about him was oddly familiar to him, but he just didn't know. Did he use to know him? What made Tommy so angry at him if Dream doesn't remember who he is?

Whatever the case was, Dream was determined to know. So he decided that each day, he would ask everyone questions regarding the past events.

Day 1

The next day, Dream walked up to George to ask him questions.

"Do you know anything about-well uhm-about past events...that I don't remember?"

George seemed to go pale, as if he had hopped Dream would never ask him that question. He sighed.

"All I'm going to tell you is that you and originally died in the Nether, is sort of a hellish place. You fell in the lava and died. A day later, you came back as a ghost. You barely remembered anything, like now-but you regained your memory so easily that time. You were able to remember everyone within a span of a few days."

Dream took a while to process all this information. Thanking George, Dream then made his way to his room. He searched and searched before finding a journal and a pencil and began to write everything that George had told him. He marked the top of the page as "Day 1."

Day 2

The next day, Dream went to Sapnap for answers. He walked up to him and asked the same question he had asked George the other day.

"Well-you were planning on finding a way to...bring yourself back from the dead. You only managed to find one way-and that seemed pretty hard for you."

Dream thought that Sapnap wasn't telling him everything. He brushed it off, thanking Sapnap, then headed to his room once again to write down what he has been told. He marked that paragraph as "Day 2."

However-he had not noticed Tommy standing there, a few feet away from him when Dream was talking with Sapnap. So he's trying to remember everything, huh? Tommy had an idea: he would walk up to Dream and tell him everything, maybe then, will Tommy finally get rid of Dream, once and for all.

Day 3

Dream had decided that he would ask Bad today, of course, his plans changed-thanks to Tommy. He had called Dream over by the hallway.

"Hey Dream, Ive heard you wanted to remember your past life huh?" Tommy began to say. Dream nodded, "Well then, lucky for you, I'll tell you everything."


"Oh, of course Dream!" Tommy smiled, "You see, I was the one who killed you, I pushed you in the lava. Of course you didn't deserve it then, but after weeks, my opinion changed, you actually deserved it! You tried to kill me on multiple occasions, you chased me in the forest, they had to send me away from everyone because of you! You hurt my friends, twice! I wanted you dead! You didn't seem to care for anyone, not even George! And trust me I would of hurt him as well if he wasn't so caring about my protection!

"You raised a whole army of mobs who tried to kill us all! You tried to kill Tubbo in front of EVERYONE! I FOUND THAT EXACT MOMENT TO KILL YOU ON THE SPOT! So I drove my sword straight where your heart should of been! I thought you were gone for good, BUT NO! Here I see you in the middle of the woods, thinking that I killed you!"

Dream took a step back from Tommy. Honestly, he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

Am I a monster?

It kept ringing in his ears over and over again, giving him a headache. Dream was on the verge of tears. He turned his back on Tommy and slowly made his way to his room, ignoring George when he walked past him.

He shut the door to his room, locking it.

I really am a bad person.

Why am I still here?

Why did I come back?

Why can't I just die?

Why can't I just disappear?!

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