||~Chapter 16~||

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He is not gone
He is not gone
He is not gone
He is not gone
You're not gone
He opened his eyes. His head ached. He looked around to observe his surroundings. He didn't know where he was, or how he got there. He really didn't remember anything other than his own name and how he died, but that was just about it.

Everything else, it just didn't come to him. He couldn't recall anything, not even another name. His mind was blank, he didn't know what to do. He was by a small lake in the middle of a forest. Beside him was a white mask with a smile face plastered on it, a faint crack was at the bottom of it.

Could it have belonged to me?

Either way, he took it and put it on. It felt weird at first, but he'll get use to it. He roamed around the forest, getting distracted once in a while. He passed by another small lake and rested there for a bit. He looked down at himself for the first time, he was, transparent? Was that normal? He ignored that and headed off once more to, god knows where.

The sun was still high up in the sky, a few times, he would see a fox, cows, or sheep in the distance before they disappear. He had no clue where he was going to go, but it didn't seem to bother him.

After walking for a few more minutes, he leaned against a tree, feeling oddly tired. He had only walked for an hour an a half and he felt like he was going to knock out. His eyes felt droopy. Before he could even think about resting, an arrow shot past him. Colorful bubbles were coming out from there, or at least, that's how he saw it. He turned to where the arrow had came from.

There, only a few yards away, was a young boy, pointing another arrow at him. The boy had blonde hair with blue eyes, he wore a red and white shirt with a green bandanna tied around his neck. His face was somewhere between a mixture of shocked and angry.

"You're suppose to be dead!"

Dead? Is that what he was? He backed away from the angry boy, "I uhm-don't know what you're talking about! I don't even know you!"

"Quite the act, Dream! Don't act stupid, we all saw you die! I saw you die! TWICE! Why can't you just stay dead!?"

And then, Dream ran. He wanted to go anywhere, as long as he was safe, away from him. His shouts could be heard from a distance, Dream didn't dare to turn around to see how far he was from the boy. Dream saw a small house just up ahead, and decided to hide there for tonight. He quickly ran inside and locked the door shut.

Dream took a look at the place, it was disorganized; books were scattered everywhere, a dead flower was next to a window, spider webs were all over the place, and the air seemed unbreathable. A bed was at the far corner of the room. Dream quickly dusted off the bed sheets and laid there. His eyes felt droopy once again, as he let the sleep take over.


Dream woke the next day. It was early in the morning and the sun was just rising. His feet ached a bit, but it didn't bother him that much. He left the house, deciding to return to it later on to fix it up in case he needed a place to stay. The smell of the morning air was quite pleasant. Smiling, Dream took off once again to explore. Along the way, he spotted a blue sheep.

He found a decent sized village. Since he was getting bored, he went there. The people didn't really pay much attention to him, except for one of those people. He look somewhat like a demon, with glowing white eyes. He just stared at Dream before he ran away. Dream was oddly creeped out by this, but continued on his way. Dream spotted a flower shop, the string smells of each flower drew him closer and closer to the shop.

There had to be dozens of flowers, all different and bright colors, especially one of them. It was a bright orange.

"Those are calendula flowers," the shop keeper said, "Very nice flowers."

Dream continued on his way to explore as much land as he could. Off in the distance, he saw a two story house, a small shed, and a large garden. Taking a look wouldn't hurt, right? Dream decided to take a look at the garden. Different types of crops were grown in each row. A bucket of water was near the fence. There was also a small flower garden. The flowers were just blooming. Dream smiled to himself, but when he heard faint footsteps, he took off running.

Possibly, he was still-scared-about his encounter with the young boy the other day. But when he continued hearing the footsteps, he ran even faster. Was it possible that it was the boy? Dream his behind one of the trees of the forest he ran into. After a while, he came out of his hiding spot, only to see someone else a few feet from him. He had brown hair with goggles on his head, chocolate brown eyes. He stood staring at Dream before he took a step back. Tears were forming in his eyes. He muttered a single word:


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