Chapter 8

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STT: Preparation

Aikyu POV

We're gather at the big field of the organization. The owners speak about our achievements, and was hoping for us to qualify in the aster tower. After the speech a big transparent screen appear and two people a man and a woman talking about the results intro. After which, the scoreboard appear and show the result. Legende org. Has a complete sport offers and a powerhouse of talented so its nothing new when they rank first.  The second was our organization so we feel relax when the owner point out the score between 2nd and 3rd that is only .9 difference. That was a double relieved at the same time quite disappointed to the results but looking at the data. Our org are mostly ended in second and third while 2 become champions including us.

Loud cheers cover the place as the owner congrats us. It's not a first time but still since I came here we still didn't gone to the tower. The teams had a bro fist and other sign of congratulations the Captain hug us and whispered thank you.

Hey congratulations- I smile at Frange but surprised when she grab my name and kiss me. Then she smiled.
Wait.. wait waitwhat that kiss means?- our forward asked so the others look to us. I look away and Frange the one spoke.
We're going out- she said normally.
Really? Since when?- he added.
After our game we with Drakon org.- he explain further and was sdik by few question when captain touch my shoulder.
Congratulations, it took you a long time but great you had Frange. - I just smile unsurely what to do react. The coach also happy to hear about us and few congrats us.

The owner after a moment of happiness said that we can have a party today and rest becoz after a 2 weeks the tower game will start. But despite the announcement people become serious and the atmosphere is heavy.

One shouted that we can't have a celebration yet and instead get ready since we're rested for two days. People begun to adds on this the owner clear his voice.

Uherm.. since all off you want to practice too much I won't hold you back but if you want to take a break you are free just for today.- he spoken. Coach look at us asking what our decision. I just don't spoke and walk toward the gym. One grab my shoulder.
Don't walk Infront of me- Wafren smirk at me and get ahead of me. Sighed.

We do a light practice that day for our body to be prepare again after our rest.
Im planning to stay in the dorm as usual and that means having the nosy Hiftin.

Here, the manga i get last last week.- he put the manga on the table.
Uhumm. Put it on the drawers- I poured my mouth toward the selves. Thus he picked it and put nicely in the shelve.
Hey have you heard the new manga release? I heard it was a good one.-
Good one huh. Title?-
Dawn for yesterday by Taken.- hmm that writer and illustrator is one of the famous manga creator though there a few story line I don't like or should I say not my taste.
Are you listening? Have I told you it a new and I just heard from a friend.
Oh. Sorry.  I look for it if I have time.-
Really?- he becomes more energetic. This guy, why does he does not buy himself. Kuripot. He happily kiss me and hug before going out. I'm noticing he act like a gay sometimes.

My watch turn on informing me an incoming call.

Accept..- I murmured then the screen appear.
Hey, do you know how to fix plumber?- she directly asked.
A little- she smile.
Great, can you come and fix mine- she show her kitchen.
Sure, but dont know your adress-
Right. Wait a minute she tap few on her screen then I received a map and direction.
Okay, I'm be there- she thank me before ending the call. It a etiquette that the caller must be the first to end call. Since I'm just wearing a shirt and boxer so I pick a pant and my key before going out.

I scan my face Infront of the door and it's open do I get in I seen her at the kitchen messing with the plumber.
Oh your here- she glance at me with sweaty and messy tied hair.
I do it- I take her place and fix what matter in this plumber.
Once I'm finished I clean myself up.

Thank you for the  help It is suddenly  burst and I don't know what to do so I called you. Anyway let's have a snack What do you think?-  I glance the table  before I sit. I silently  eat as She Watch me When I'm done I'm about say goodbye  but she stopped me.
Can you can you stay for tonight?- I look at her   in wonderment
Well you know it already dark so Why not stay for tonight I stare at her but she Look back directly at me showing her seriousness well  it's not a big deal and she's my girlfriend so I think it's not bad  so I just nodded.
Then I go and prepare your room. Be at home, watch TV if you want.-
Sure- i watch her as she leave before I go the the couch and reach the remote on the table. After a few minute she watched with me and strike a conversation. Hours past in our second movie a love making was on the screen and as I guy I'm having a hard on watching the hardcore and moans of the actress. The movie is in ancient europe with blood, war and few fucking scenes.
Are you okay? - she suddenly asked me.
Ah yes- I tried to calm myself and focus on the movie. When her hand touch my legs.
You don't need to hold back- she begun to  touch mine that bulge in surprised. I look at her then she kiss me. I didn't react in the start but then as my body heated up I push her gently laid at the couch.


The first week of training for the inter tower games was a hell because of the new training regime but unlike the other who have trainor they are more in strickest situation.

In a circle around the head coach of the basketball we are silent, just a deep breathing and fast pounding heart is what you hear. After those laps it really tiring.
Thank you for the hard work everyone. You have been working thses past days for the upcoming game and I was really please. In regard for the preparation of the upcoming tournament you be up to a team consist of talented player chosen by the organization who didn't make it to the this game. - oh I it's likely a traditional that in sports industry does and we participate in that last year too.
Yeah it really the time for that practice match- attesor mumble underneath his breath.
Who are they coach? The players that gonna play with us? - wafren asked. Since there are two org. Going in the inter tournament of course the good players will be divide.
Well it doesn't matter, you see when the time comes. -cisch refuse to speak.
Come on Coach- wafren insisted. And seem thinkingwho might be it is make his heslf excited.
I think it be good to know who they are- captain join in.
No. That will be a surprise. So as I'm saying tommorow is your practice match therefore you be having your rest till tomorrow. That being said you can go now- we thanks him before we excuse himself. Once we separated Frange walk next to me.
Wait for me in the car- she spoke. I just nod then she went back to the clubroom and I to the parking lot. If your curious, Frange and I is already living together at her house since hers is more near the organization than mine. Since I have a women now I don't go to club and declining Haralk invitation so he always pissed and don't call me often these days. After an half hour she finally arrived.
Sorry- she apologized as she get in the car. I click the automatic drive before I lean on the sit closing my eyes.
We're you that tired? Well I'm not surprised after practicing for a whole week.- she commented.
A little. Anyway do you know our opponent is?- I asked I'm not that curious but I just wanna know how strong they are.
It is also hidden to us, but the owner says it is a 2 days practice match other information is classified. But I'm surprised your interested to your opponent?- I just shrug. It neutral.we back to the topic regarding how it is so classified look like they are doing something new than usual. To be honest I'm quite excited, dunno why.


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