13. poolside baby

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jennie chews on the tip of her pen after writing up a very detailed itinerary for the day with rosie. the blonde rushed off after her stomach let out a violent growl and jennie was left to plan out the rest of their evening in london. she sat by the beach chairs that were poolside, taking up the nice luxury cruise ship smell.

she paced back and forth, her feet just taking her wherever they felt like as she skimmed through their list.

but then, suddenly, the ground beneath her was wet and she had the air knocked out of her, bracing herself for the fall into the pool that she didn't know was coming.

but then, she wasn't falling.

she opened one of her closed eyes and saw a very concerned looking man. he had caught her? her cheeks flared a cherry red. embarrassing.

she immediately stood up, putting distance between them. "uhm, thanks?" she said more like a question. the man palmed the back of his neck with his hand that wasn't holding a camera. "yeah, no problem. just, uh, be careful next time."

jennie nodded awkwardly before turning on her heel and getting ready to walk away. at least that was before he-

"you're that girl right? that made pancakes on youtube and got like millions of views?" he wondered out loud.

"uhm, yeah? i guess. and it didn't get like millions of views." he smiled at that. "but it did. don't be shy about it."

"and can i just say, you are beautiful." he said, no stutter, no hesitance, just pure admiration. "i'm pretty sure i have a crush on you."

jennie let out a light laugh at this. "you're pretty sure?" she took a step closer, eyeing the camera that was in his palm, turned off.

yoongi had been getting ready to vlog his morning before he saw the brunette almost slip into the pool and he ran to help her.

"yeah, i mean, you're like really cute and cool and stuff so," he flushed, looking around at anything but her. she was his internet crush for fuck's sake.

before he knew it, jennie's seductive eyes and sultry smirk was only centimeters away from his face. why must she do this to me at 8 in the morning? and then she did the last thing he expected her to do; she got on her tippy toes and put her mouth to her ear. jennie's soft whisper filled his ear drums and yoongi went red.

"look, word of advice, you can't like someone you don't actually know and, last time i checked, we don't know each other, now do we?"

she turned on her heel swiftly before yoongi could get a chance to take in what she just said. he was in awe, at a standstill as she kept walking away from him.

he snapped out of it, realizing that this was his chance, that the girl he never thought he'd get tha chance to meet, was right in front of him. he shook his head and got ahold of himself before taking quick steps to catch up with the woman.

"hey, but what if we got to know each other." he held out a hand. "i'm yoongi. min yoongi. i'm a youtuber too but it's mostly a side thing, i'm a producer too, and i'm really into music and sounds and stuff."

jennie had an amused look on her face. she was flattered obviously and it was endearing and all but this guy just seemed like another delusional fan, no?

she put a hand up to stop him in his tracks. "look, this is sweet and all but i'm really not interested and this is honestly coming off a little weird," he interrupted. "oh, i'm super sorry, i didn't mean to-"

"let me stop you again, i'm just here for a nice summer and congrats on being a producer and everything but i think i'm gonna go now, i have a big day, y'know, amsterdam and all."

he nodded in understanding.

she walked away from him once again, noticing the slight slack in his jaw. she gave him a small wave with just three fingers, her pinky sticking up. "bye bye," she oozed of flirt. she was flirt. and maybe she didn't mean to act that way but yoongi felt the gravity of it either way.

"goodbye." he whispered, mostly to himself because there was obviously no way jennie could hear him from that far.

he gulped nervously, pulling at the collar of his shirt. is it hot in here? in his head he wondered how he was going to live with the fact that he was gonna be on the same cruise ship as the jennie kim for the rest of the summer.

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