52. crazy over you

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meanwhile, in the pub downtown, a certain korean blonde boy's blood was boiling. a group of guys had been eyeing chaeyoung in a more than obvious way for more than an hour now and jimin was over it.

"hey, you okay?" asked the blonde herself, a beer in her hand. jimin finds it in himself to smile af her and nod. "yeah, i'm all good. just a 'lil hazy." that was a lie, he hadn't even drank that much.

behind them, lisa and jungkook had already began rubbing up against each other and making out in the booth they got. the rest of the group had decided to ignore them and keep drinking, as long as they kept it pg (meaning as long as they weren't literally having sex right then and there). who knew the youngest ones could drink the fastest anyway?

hoseok takes another shot and makes another silly sound effect while jennie looks over her shoulder in a sultry gaze.

"yah, i hear moaning, let's go back to the boat!" yelled yoongi, motioning to the two yongests. chaeyoung's nose upturns in pure disgust. "yah, lalisa, can you really not keep it in your pants?" jennie groans, downing her cocktail and slinging her purse over her shoulder.

the two youngests in question, slither out of the booth, not even trying to hide the fact that they were ready to devour each other. jungkook's hair was a mess and his lips were swollen and the buttons of his shirt were disheveled. meanwhile lisa looks like her neck had been attacked and her lipstick was stained.

on their way out, one of the guys eyeing chaeyoung had whistled at her. jimin, walki ng behind the girl could see how uncomfortable she had gotten. she looked like she wanted to make herself as small as possible. jimin clenches his fists and tightens his jaw. and then, just before they were out the door, one of them goes "got any plans for the rest of the night sweetheart?"

seconds later, jimin's fist meets his face.

before they were promptly escorted out by the staff, the five other boys are grasping at jimin's shirt and pulling him away from the poor guy. they had told the girls to wait outside.

"we're so sorry!" jin yells to the guys inside when they pushed a fuming jimin out the door.


about an hour later, jimin had calmed down and sat in the floor of his room while chaeyoung gave him a pitiful look in as she stood by the doorway.

"i'm sorry you had to see that," he winced, putting the ice pack she brought for him to his jaw.

"hey, i barely saw any of it if that makes you feel any better." she said softly. jimin smiled that at.

wordlessly, she goes to sit closer to him and put the icepack on his bruise correctly. she carefully has him tilt his head so that the bruise was fully showing and she could put the ice pack on it fully.

"some dudes are just fucking assholes." he said under his breath. "i can't believe girls have to deal with stuff like that all the time."

chaeyoung knew what he was referring to. it was clear that jimin only hit that guy because he kept objectifying her even though it was never actually said.

she half-heartedly shrugged. "we get used to it."

jimin gives her a solemn look. "if anybody ever looks at you or any of the girls like that ever again please call me so i can kick their ass, 'kay?"

chaeyoung still giggles even though she wasn't sure if he was joking or not.

"i'm serious, okay? call me." jimin repeats.

the blonde girl nods. "okay."

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