63. esketee

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jimin took another sip of his drink as he watched chaeyoung dance with her date. the wistful look on his face said something a little different than their proclaimed hate for each other.

"i get tired easily, you know," jennie sighed from behind him, talking to yoongi. they had all sat in the same giant table and everyone had been dancing and drinking all night.

"take it easy, alright?" yoongi told his date who was slightly out of breath. he handed her the handkerchief in his chest pocket. "i'll get you something to drink," he said sweetly, before walking away.

jimin watched the scene, wanting to throw up a little because he's honestly never seen his hyung be that sweet. like, with anybody. putting the thought behind him, he looked back to where his attention was before and saw chaeyoung let out a big laugh, teeth and all, at something jaehyun said. this caught jennie's eye.

"look," she said, making him look back at her. "she doesn't like that guy, y'know. she just thinks he's cute." she reasoned. jimin blushes under the neon lights.

"i don't think she likes me all that much either." he muttered. realizing his longing tone, he switches up and clears his throat.

"what makes you think i care-" jennie cuts him off, with the palm of her hand. "you don't have to pretend with me." she smiled knowingly. "just take your time. all that hate can grow into something more valuable. slowly but surely."

jimin didn't say anything after that and eventually yoongi came back with jennie's drink and the couple started talking about what movie they should watch back in their rooms.

the song playing from the speakers transitioned into a more slow song. jimin saw in the corner of his eye as jungkook and lisa went with it and stared into each other's eyes. jin awkwardly planting his hands on irene's waist. even jisoo and taehyung quit with their silly dance moves and held each other close to sway to the beat. he laughed a little to himself when he saw namjoon and hoseok chuckle at each other before moving back to the bar.

suddenly, a hand is put in front of him. he looks up surprisingly at the owner and sees beautiful blonde locks and full pink lips. he didn't even notice her making her way to him.

"so, how 'bout that dance?" chaeyoung beamed. he forgets all about his previous troubles and smiles up at her, jumping to his feet.

"i thought you'd never ask."


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