school changed him.

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Will nor Mike ever discussed their relationship after that. they simply stayed best friends and now it was a new school year. high school started.


Joyce drove Will and el to high school.
'bye mom.' Will hugged her and jumped out. 'bye mama!' El ran out too.

'El! Will!' Max ran over to the pair.
'Mike and Lucas have got on the soccer team.' Max cheers. 'really? why did they try out?' Will knew Mike nor Lucas even liked soccer. 'Mikes probably trying to impress girls, sorry el, Lucas wanted to do it with him.' Max sighs. 'cool. can we watch practice later?' Max nods and El looks away awkwardly. 'el, are you ok?' Will looked concerned.
'do you mind if i just go home? i don't want to watch. sorry...' Max and Will understood why and told her it was alright.


'oh hi Mike.' Will smiled at his best friend. 'hey.'
'i heard you play soccer now. Max and i are gonna watch you and Lucas practice later.' Will said as he put his books into his locker. 'really? good. is el going to be there?' Will looked up, 'no. do you want her to be?' Mike shrugs. 'she still mad?'
'no, just wanted to go home.' Will said and looked away again. 'ok cool.'

'hey Mike! why are you talking to the queer?' Troy.
Will saw a moment of sheer panic in Mikes eyes, then he did something that would break Wills heart.
'i wasn't. why would i talk to him ?' Wills heart shattered and so did Mikes but no one noticed.
'i don't known. anyway are you coming to home room?' Troy slung an arm around Mikes shoulders.
'yeah coming.' everyone with them left too.

'Will what is wrong?' El walked out and saw her brother nearly crying outside the girl bathrooms.
'nothing el. coming?' el nods and comes along.


'hey Lucas. have you seen Mike?' Max asked at break time. she was in the library with el,Dustin and Will.

Will was showing el his favourite book and teaching her how to read it, Max was reading a comic and Dustin was choosing a comic (it had taken him 20 minutes).

'yeah he's with the soccer team.' Max looked stunned. 'why?' Lucas shrugs. 'wanted to? anyway i quit.' she jumps to hug him. 'why?'
'they were being mean to will and some other people.' Max claps for him as does will and Dustin. el was too busy as she'd liked the book will showed her.
'anyway why are use inside? it's warm outside!'

Max and el ran outside while Will returned his book and Dustin and Lucas put away their books.

as promised it was warm so they went to the bleachers where they got a good few of mountains.
'hey! look up there!' Troy.

'you girls came to watch us? aww you too?'
he made a fake kissing face at Will.
'i have no intention of watching you Troy.' Max spat. 'oh, a feisty one?' she looked livid like Will thought she might hit him in a minute.
'what are you gonna do Maxine? hit me?' Troy looked pretend scared, she took the offer and punched him hard in the nose. his nose broke.
everyone heard the crunch. he screamed and ran away while a few others hung around awkwardly.
'go make sure your leader is ok.' Max said. they all went away, even Mike.

'is your hand ok?' Lucas asked. 'fine.' El looked taken aback and everyone remembered it was her first day of school ever. 'oh, El don't worry, it's not always like this.' Will said. 'ok... where is mike going?' Will smirks, 'to his leader i think.'

'why did Mike sign up to that anyway?' Dustin asked. 'his dad made him.' el said. 'wait i thought he did it because he wanted to?' Will was confused. 'no his dad made him. said he wanted to "get the gay out" what does that mean?' everyone looked away, 'nothing el. just don't say it ok? where did you find this out?' she paused. 'did you spy on him?' Lucas worked it out the quickest. '... yes.'
'don't tell him you did that ok?' she nods.
'class will start again soon. should we go?'
'i broke someone's nose who's skipping?' Max begged. 'i will.' Will was not in the mood for school anymore. 'really? cool!'

class :

it was English Lucas had it with Mike and Will.
'hi Lucas. where's will?' Lucas sighs, 'he skipped. don't tell anyone.' Mike looked alarmed. 'alone?'
'no with Max.' Mike sighs, 'ok, why? is he ok?'
'what like you care?' Lucas snapped. 'i do!'
'fine if you must know, he's fine.' Mike sighs, 'ok.'
'why are you being so nice to Troy?' Lucas asked.
'because he's quarterback. i have to.' Mike said. 'you don't but i do see your point.' Mike nods.
'ready for class to start?' Mike and Lucas groaned.

'hey we're all going to Max's later. are you coming?' Lucas offered, 'yeah sure.' Mike answered without fully thinking about it. 'Mike?'
'what Lucas?' Mike snapped. 'why did you start soccer? honestly?' Mike looked down, 'because it was time for a change after the break up.' Lucas sighs. 'ok.'

Mikes perspective:

why is he asking all these questions?! does he know something? my phone pinged before i could ask.

dad :

dad ~ hey are you practicing after school?
Mike ~ no dad. today's the first day of school. i'll be with Max and Lucas,el and Dustin.
Dad ~ fine but practice one on one with me later.
mike ~ sure dad bye.

i hate that i couldn't say Will was coming. another message but it was from Troy?!

Troy :

Troy ~ hey i'm having a party later, you coming?
Mike ~ no my dad has this thing i gotta do.
Troy ~ oh ok. see you at lunch.

why would i ever want to go to a party with him?
he's mean to Will and had bullied all my friends until now!

later ~

i ended up going to Troy's instead....

~ K }

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