El's speech.

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it was 3:30am when Mike heard a bang on his window then his window open. (he'd been sleeping in the basement).

'El?' El climbed through looking pissed (mad). 'what's wrong?'
'you. you're what's wrong Mike!'
'what did i do to you ever?!' she looked taken aback but quickly went back to being angry. 'you're dating Will!' she screamed. 'shh!' she paused.

'so? can't i date who i like?'
'no. you will hurt him.' Mike looks sad. 'of course i won't! why would i?'
'you lie! you'll hurt him like you hurt me!' his expression went from concern to confusion. 'you hurt me. i won't let you hurt him too!'
'why do you care?'
'because Mike! he's my brother and he's been through shit before so don't hurt him ok?' he nods. 'i promise.'
'promise.' she walks off after breaking his window.

'shit.' he put his hands over his eyes and sighed before going back to bed considering his options:
•A he could break up with Will so el doesn't get mad.
benefits :
el is happy and Mike is safe.
cons :
he could hurt will and make el mad.
•B he could be the best boyfriend ever and break up with him when he wants too years later very nicely.
he loves will so that sounds best.
cons : coming out.

he thought about this for a long time before finally giving up and going to sleep.

when he woke up he chose B. he was going to be the best boyfriend ever. beginning with a date.

'Will do you copy?' Mike asked over his walkie talkie, 'i copy. it's 8am what's up? over.' Mike grinned just at his tired tone. 'do you wanna go on a date today?'
he waited anxiously for a reply. it came 5 minutes after. 'sorry i had to ask my mom. she said yes. does 3 work? over.' Mike (who had been about to put the thing down) grinned, 'ok cool. come to my house at 3. over and out.' Mike sighs beginning to plan for this date.

he brought the TV down to the basement (it took a lot of persuasion), and set a blanket down in-front of the couch before putting loads of food on it. such as :
• strawberries
• candy paper
• twix's.
• multiple other chocolates
• popcorn
• grapes.

he felt proud of himself for doing this all on his own before finally trying to chose a movie.

'what's all this for?' Nancy.
'get out.' Mike said angrily immediately.
'why?' she gasped, 'do you have a date?!' Mike blushed, 'you do! who's the girl?'
'Nancy please don't tell dad....' Nancy looks concerned for her brother. 'it's not a girl Nancy.' she nods. 'i figured you'd date a boy at least once.'
'you're BI right?' he nods. 'i guess.'
'so who's the boy? it is Will?!' Mike looks confused, 'who'd you know?' she grins, 'i just know. ok? now what are you doing?' he smiles. 'help me chose a movie for Will.'
'he likes "stand by me" doesn't he?' Mike thinks, 'it's his comfort movie.'
'so? put it on. then it won't be so awkward.' Nancy states.

'why would it be awkward Nancy?'
'first dates are always awkward,' Mike doubts her and she can tell, 'my first date with Steve was really awkward and now we're engaged!' (we can pretend).
'true... but you're just an awkward person. why are you here anyway?'
'i don't go in the basement often so.'
'i mean why are you here in the house. is Steve not lonely?'
'he's working.' Nancy snaps. 'and left his pregnant wife all on her own?' he said in a fake sympathetic tone. 'oh shut up. good luck with your date.'

it was only then he realised he hadn't gotten showered or dressed today. 'she didn't even tell me!' he complained.

at 3:04pm Will knocked on Mikes door and Karen answered. 'oh hi Will! he's in the shower. do you want to wait with Holly?' Holly was 9 now. 'yes please.'

'do you want anything to eat?' Karen offered. 'no thank you.' he walked over to Holly who was watching TV with Nancy. 'Will!' she jumped up and hugged him. 'hi Will!' Will smiles and hugged back. 'hi Holly. what are you watching?' he looks at the TV and sees ET on it. 'cool.'

the two continued their conversation and some small talk which was weird for him to have with a 9-year-old.
'so how's school?' he asked with Holly on his knee proudly. 'bad. everyone keeps saying Mike is gay?' Will froze. 'don't tell him that ok?' she nods. 'promise?'
'promise.' he nods. 'so how's English?'
'not bad. maths is awful though.' Will smiles, 'that's awful. i hate maths too. you have Mr.Clark for science don't you?' Holly nods, 'i like him! he tells me all about use!' Will smiles, remembering so much.

he was so caught up talking to this child he didn't see Mike standing in the door way with a fond smile, because to him will was just so adorable and amazing with kids. Nancy was watching with a small smile too. she found it wholesome.

maybe we should adopt a child when we get
married. Mike thought before chocking on air at his own thoughts. what am i saying? gay marriage isn't legal so adopting a child probably isn't either.

'uh Mike?' Will watched his boyfriend blush a lot. and choke. 'sorry. hi.' Will waves awkwardly, 'hi Mike?'

he then dragged him by the hand to his basement. 'wow! is that all for me?' Mike nods with proud look. 'of course. i'm trying to be the best boyfriend ever.' he was blissfully unaware of the hell that he'd go through when Will left.

the two ate happily, enjoying the movie , which Will was watching wrapped in a massive blanket on Mikes couch.

then it happened.

'Mike how did you know you liked me?'
'well i guess i knew when i wanted to kiss you...' Will blushed. 'do you want to kiss me?' he leant forward showing top energy, making Mike flustered. 'yes...' Will grins, 'then do it Mike.' Will winked and Mike broke all self control, making out with Will roughly, not caring the door was open.... maybe he should've cared.

{ AN/ sorry this took so long to update.~ F}

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