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a week had passed and Will knew he had to go to school now. his mom made him and everything had cooled down a little.

'see use after school, and Will if you need picked up call me.' Joyce smiled to her children, Will told her everything of course. which is why she let him off. 'ok see you later mom.' he walks of with el.

Mike was at Wills locker?
'what do you want Mike?' Will asked aggressively, 'what do i want? i fought for you! why aren't you grateful?'
'because i told you to keep it a secret and you reported back to Troy instantly!' Will shoved him away.

no one knew, but Will was kind of strong. i mean his dad taught him 3 things :
1. how to play baseball
2. how to fight properly.
3. never trust people closet to you.

main point here will was strong he knew he could take both Tory and Mike at the same time if he really wanted to. but he didn't.

'fine Will, i'll go.' Mike storms off.
Will opened his locker and a letter came out.

i'm so sorry i told Troy you knew and where you were hiding. i was scared and i shouldn't of taken that out on you. i'm genuinely sorry. please forgive me for spreading rumours and fighting Troy.

Will smiled slightly at the letter.
Mike was forgiven for now but not trusted. there's a difference. an important difference actually.

'what?!' Max screeched, 'you forgave him? just like that?' Will rolls his eyes, 'he said he was sorry. he was scared Max! have you never been scared of someone?' Billy, Neill, her dad. 'no.'
'fine! well please understand why i forgave him.' Max nods, 'fine. it's ok.'
'thank you.'
'but you know he hasn't even tried to stop the rumours in fact he spread them!'
Will sighs, 'i know Max please don't make his hard on me.' Max nods kindly, 'i just don't want my two best friends hurt at all never mind by the same guy.' Will understood that, Max and Will understood each other well.

'i don't had to forgive him do i?' Max asked with a look of anger already, 'no, personal choice but you'll watch the soccer team with me on the bleachers?' Max agreed. 'thanks!'

suddenly a dude who had brown curly hair bumped into his locker, 'i'm sorry. hey you're will right?' Will nods, 'yes why?'
'well i think you're really brave coming back so soon, and i support you, i'm gay too.' the boy whispered, 'really?'
'yeah. i'm Stanley Uris. i'm knew here.' Will instantly picked up on the British accent. 'Will Byers. do you want to sit with us at lunch?' Stanley agreed and Will felt happy to :
1 have a new friend at all
2 have a queer friend who understands him.

'why are you so happy?' El saw Will was grinning, 'i made a new friend i think.' El claps, 'who is it?'
'the new kid, Stanley Uris.' she nods. 'well are you coming with me to art?' the were in the same art class, 'yeah.'

Will was so excited to meet Stanley he didn't even cry today when he was shoved into a locker, or when he was punched like - 6 times. it was genuinely frustrating for the bullies.


'so this is Stanley!' Will introduced him, 'hi Stan!' Dustin introduced himself first before the other 3.

'so what are your hobbies?' Dustin asked Stan excitedly, 'well i like to go bird watching and draw birds, as well as note things down about them!' he seemed genuinely happy about this, 'that's cool.' Will said softly, 'yeah cool.' el copied, 'kind of boring though.' Dustin replied earning a kick from either Max or Will under the table.
'well what are your hobbies?' Stan asked, 'going to the arcade!' Dustin replied, 'that's cool, my old friend Richie loved the arcade.' Dustin nods, 'i like to draw too Stan.' Will said and the two discussed it for a while.

'i don't think your friends like me.' Stan told Will disappointed, 'really?' Lucas.
'you've already had your first argument with Dustin! you're part of the friend group now.' Lucas replied happily, 'really? thanks!' Will nods and walks away. 'what class do you have now?' Stan asked Lucas awkwardly, 'maths, you?' Stan looks, 'i have maths too!'

just like that Stan was slowly replacing Mike. he'd already won over Lucas,Will and partly Max. couldn't be too hard to win over Dustin and el right?

'so Stan where did you move from?'
'i moved from Northern Ireland.' Stan replied, 'where is that?'
'British it's part of the UK.' Lucas nods.
'your accent is cool.'
'thank you? yours isn't so bad.' Lucas laughed a little or a lot at that for some odd reason.


Max and Will decided not to watch Mike at the bleachers today and just go home since Will felt kind of sick and wanted to go home with his mom and el.

just as he was about to leave he got a message:
Mom : sorry honey i'm working can you walk home with el today?
Will : yeah that's fine mom.

'oh hi Will.' Stan was outside with el.
'hi Stan. El we have to walk home today.' Will groans, 'me too, where do you live?' Stan asked, 'i live close to there.' so the three walked home.

'Stan?' Will stopped finally, 'yes?'
'do you want to go on a date soon?'
Stan was taken of guard but ultimately agreed anyway, 'yeah Will. do you want to go bird watching with me tomorrow at 4? we can go somewhere else after!' Will agreed happily, 'sure Stan.'

El looks confused, 'are you ok?' Will asked once Stan was gone. 'why are two boys going on a date together?'
'because it's ok. you can only tell mom and our friends ok?' el nods. 'it's allowed El, people just don't like. anyway i'm sick i'm going to lie down.'

there was a knock on the door and el answered, 'oh, hi Mike.' Mike was panting, apparently a thunderstorm began once the two were inside and Mike was drenched, 'can i see Will?'
'he's asleep.' Mike looked confused, 'at 3:35?'
'he's sick.' Mike nods. 'can i speak to him?' El thinks, 'i'll tell him you came. do you want an umbrella?' Mike sighs and said no.

El was not letting Mike hurt Will like he did her now that Will was finally happy with someone who was nice and good for him.

'who was that?' Will asked, 'Mike, he said it wasn't important.' she only half lied. 'ok?' Will went back to bed oblivious of whatever it was Mike wanted.

{ i DEEPLY apologise if you don't like this.
i do and i try my best to make it good! }

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