Chapter 13

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"It's so nice to meet you" Renjun smiled as Yangyang introduced himself to everyone sitting at the table, but his smile dropped when he saw Jeno slouching across from him. Renjun swung his feet so that he could kick him under the table.

Jeno scrunched his face in pain before looking at him. He gave him a knowing look and glanced at Jaemin. "It's so nice to have all my friends here, all my friends who don't ignore me" Donghyuk spoke up, catching everyone's attention.

"I'm looking at you, Markus!" Donghyuk rolled his eyes before sitting back down. Jeno couldn't help feeling guilty for making the two stop talking, but he couldn't exactly tell Mark that it was a joke now.

He noticed Jaemin look at the two worried from beside Renjun. When their eyes locked, Jaemin looked away, not wanting even to give Jeno the satisfaction. "Hyung, I'm just going to go out and get some fresh air" Johnny nodded understandingly as Jaemin got up and walked out of the restaurant.

Renjun's glares didn't go unnoticed, and Jeno made an excuse to get him away from the table and towards Jaemin. "Of course, you followed me" Jaemin sighed as he watched Jeno walk up to him.

"Do you hate me that much now?" Jaemin looked at Jeno like he just said the most obvious thing. "Why would I not?" Jeno accepted defeat as he stood next to Jaemin on the pavement.

"You like Johnny Hyung, right?" Jaemin shrugged, not knowing how to respond. "He's nice to me" Jeno couldn't help but chuckle at the remark. "Well, my mom is nice to me. I'm not dating her" Jaemin stepped on Jeno's foot without warning, making him jump on one leg in pain.

"You asked for it" Jeno steadied himself on Jaemin's shoulders, not realising that their faces were inches apart. "So would you step on my other foot if I kissed you again?" Before Jaemin could respond, Jeno pulled him into a kiss.

He was careful enough to see if Jaemin reciprocated, but when he felt his lips move lightly against his own, he let himself relax. They only thought of pulling away when Jaemin's foot stepped on Jeno's once more.

"Ow! You really took that much time to step on my other foot" Jaemin's face contorted in realisation as he helped Jeno steady himself on his shoulder again. "That was an accident. Calm down" Jaemin said, making him stop.

"Oh, so you liked the kiss" Jaemin nodded shyly before punching Jeno on the side of his body. "I will kill you if you wake up tomorrow and say no homo, I'm not kidding" Jeno just caressed his face before accepting his fate.

"As much as I look forward to being killed by you, I don't think I will" Jaemin muttered a 'good' before helping a limping Jeno back into the restaurant. "Wait! I have to break up with Johnny Hyung!" Jeno looked unbothered as they walked towards the table.

"You weren't together in the first place" Jaemin let go of Jeno and walked ahead of him. "Walk back yourself, imagine that I wasn't there in the first place" Jaemin smirked as he waited for Jeno to limp up to him.

"Where were you two?" Jisung asked as he saw the two boys approach the table. "We were talking about the weather" Jeno lied, gaining looks from everyone at the table. "And why are you limping?" Donghyuk asked, pointing at Jeno's legs.

"I fell" Jaemin held in a laugh, hearing the response. "He sure did" Renjun heard Jaemin mumble as he sat down next to him. His head shot towards Jeno in reflex and only got a sly grin from his best friend.

"Johnny Hyung, can I talk to you later. It's a bit important" Jaemin said, dreading the look on Johnny's face. "Oh sure, I'll drive you home. We'll talk then" Jaemin couldn't help feel guilty for leading Johnny on, but he knew that Johnny would end up with someone who truly loved him, and that wasn't him.

"I'm so happy that you all could come. I didn't have this many friends when I first came here. I had lele and well this adorable human" Renjun rolled his eyes as he pushed Yangyang away lightly.

"You're already being cheesy, I see. I threw a tv remote at him once because he was being cheesy" Renjun tried to keep his cool demeanour, but each time he looked at Yangyang, he couldn't help but smile like an idiot.

"I like someone" Mark said from one end of the table, silencing everyone. "You what!?" Donghyuk exclaimed, kind of hurt that he didn't know before. "Yes, I do. I like someone" everyone looked at him to continue, but no words left Mark's mouth after that.

He got up from his chair before gripping onto Donghyuk's hand and dragging him out of the restaurant. "Wow, that was fun. So dessert?"

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