Chapter 22

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꒱࿐♡ ˚.*


𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓
: 𝒯𝓇𝒶𝒻𝒻𝒾𝒸 𝐿𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓈 - 𝒮𝒶𝓇𝒶 𝒦𝒶𝓎𝓈

𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕
: 𝒜𝓃𝓎𝑜𝓃𝑒 - 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃


Jeno knocked on the door wearily, trying his best to make his black hoodie cover his face. He was not supposed to be here, but he wanted to see Jaemin and try to make him change his mind.

"Nana, open the damn door" Jeno spoke under his breath. He was about to give up when the door opened a crack to reveal a dishevelled Jaemin in only an oversized shirt falling off his shoulder scandalously.

"Jeno?" Jaemin opened the door reluctantly, letting him in. "I'm home alone. My parents went to do something with Haeun. Some school stuff" Jaemin added as he uncomfortably hugged himself.

"What's with the hoodie?" Jaemin pointed out the strange article of clothing, trying to make conversation. "I needed it to get here, appa would kill me if he sees" Jeno wanted to sound less like a coward, but his actions lately weren't helping him.

Jaemin hummed as he went into the kitchen to get some juice for Jeno. "Just drink this and sit here, let me go put shorts on or something" Jaemin was about to walk up the stairs when he felt Jeno's arms around his waist.

He was going to push the slightly taller boy away when he felt his shoulders get wet. He sighed realising that Jeno was crying holding onto him like he's life support. Jaemin did not want to get weak and run back into his arms forgetting everything that he put him through but he still loved Jeno and he hated seeing him cry.

"Jeno-" Jaemin began only to get stopped by him. "I'll make it right, I know I haven't given you any reason to believe me and I can't give you any proof that I will follow through with it, but I can't do this without you Jaemin, you forced your way into my life once so why can't you do it again?" Jaemin turned around and caressed Jeno's face in his hands.

Jaemin leaned forward to kiss him surprising Jeno. "Don't say anything" Jaemin simply stated as he pushed a confused Jeno onto the couch. His hands moved to slip Jeno's hoodie over his head.

"I don't wanna hear anything" Jaemin continued as he kissed down Jeno's chest to his stomach before finally straddling him. "Tonight, I don't wanna hear it but just make me feel good" Jaemin's mind was clouded with anger and love for the boy beneath him.

Jeno nodded as he kissed Jaemin with both hands gripping onto his waist. "How far?" Jeno asked before moving towards Jaemin's neck that looked all too welcoming for him.

"All the way" Jaemin said shocking Jeno. "We haven't ever before. You're sure, right? " Jeno asked to make sure that Jaemin wanted to actually do this and it wasn't just the pent up anger. "I am, Jeno with you I am" Jaemin laid back on the couch pulling Jeno on top of him.

Jeno easily removed the oversized shirt from Jaemin's body and sat back to admire how beautiful the boy actually was. "What?" Jaemin asked, lifting his head in confusion. "You're so beautiful" Jeno leaned down to whisper onto Jaemin's lips.

Jeno's fingers slipped inside Jaemin's boxers before slipping it off and discarding it somewhere on the floor along with his own clothes. "Do you have lube?" Jaemin shook his head as he pulled Jeno's fingers towards his lips with a shrug.

Jeno replaced his fingers with his lips as he let his fingers slightly prod at Jaemin's entrance waiting for him to get ready. Jaemin hummed into the kiss and Jeno pressed one finger in.

Jaemin gasped at the foreign feeling but focused on the kiss instead. With each finger Jeno added, he felt more pleasure. Jeno pushed his fingers in at a different angle leading to a loud moan from Jaemin.

"That's enough fingers" Jaemin grabbed onto Jeno's hand wanting him to replace it with something else. Jeno kissed Jaemin's neck as he positioned himself with Jaemin not knowing if he was doing this right.

"Okay, you okay?" Jaemin clenched his eyes shut as Jeno pushed in. He gasped loudly when Jeno tried to move, holding the boy in place. "Wait" Jaemin stopped with the single word trying to distract himself from the pain with kisses. "Slowly" Jeno nodded as he slowly picked up his pace.

Jaemin's voice was louder with each second. Jeno had the thought in the back of his mind that his family could hear but right now he couldn't care less because Jaemin looked so beautiful. "Jeno-ah, please! Aghh, I can't!!" Jaemin moaned incoherent words while Jeno was moving at an almost animalistic pace inside him.

Jaemin's nails digged into Jeno's skin forgetting his surroundings. Jeno tried his best not to wince in pain, knowing that Jaemin was in more pain than him. "I love you, Na Jaemin" Jeno whispered into Jaemin's ear sending him over the edge. Jaemin came all over his stomach and Jeno's followed by Jeno moments later inside Jaemin, who had let exhaustion take over him.

"Tissues" Jaemin pointed to the counter and Jeno quickly helped clean the both of them up. "So much for a good church boy, that wasn't very holy of you" Jaemin teased as Jeno picked him up. "Let's get you upstairs before your parents come" Jeno tried to ignore Jaemin's comment but smiled at how adorable Jaemin looked while laughing at his own statement.

"Let me go down to get our clothes" Jeno said as he placed Jaemin on his bed. His heart clenched noticing the packed suitcases on the floor. He quickly ran downstairs and gathered the clothes that were scattered on the floor before running back upstairs to an already passed out Jaemin.

"Please don't leave me" Jeno said mainly to himself as he laid beside Jaemin. He wanted to see Jaemin beside him every morning, to make him smile and laugh, to grow old with him, he wanted to do everything with Jaemin and he couldn't let him leave just like that.

"Trust me Jaemin, I'll fix things" Jeno promised as he kissed the sleeping boy's forehead before tucking him in bed and laying beside him not wanting the moment to end.

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