Chapter 18

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"You pulled a rock. I win" Jaemin puckered his lips, waiting for Jeno to kiss him. "No, you did that too late, you don't get a kiss" they went for another round, and Jeno won.

"Okay, so do your math" Jaemin groaned in annoyance before picking up his pencil and doing the equation. "You told me if I won in rock, paper, scissors then you'd kiss me" Jaemin complained as he tried to work.

"And I would've, but you didn't win" Jeno said proudly as he leaned over Jaemin's shoulder to see if he was doing it correctly. "You cheated" Jaemin turned his head around quickly, and his forehead hit against Jeno's.

"Ow!" both of them exclaimed as their hands shot to rub their foreheads. Jeno tried to get up from the chair only to trip over his feet and fall on Jaemin.

"Why are you so clumsy today?" Jaemin asked and looked up at Jeno hovering over him. "Why do you look so beautiful?" Jeno gulped, realising he said the words out loud.

"Shouldn't we be doing math?" Jaemin asked, amused when he felt Jeno's semi-hard clothed length on his thigh. "Right, that's what we should be doing" Jeno was about to get up when Jaemin pulled him back and crashed their lips together.

"Jeno, have you seen my underwear- oh my god" Jaehyun turned around and closed his eyes, seeing Jeno on top of someone. "I bet that's your girlfriend, don't get her pregnant" Jaehyun said quickly before walking out the door.

"That was way too close" Jeno got off Jaemin quickly only to walk back and forth in his room. "Jeno, would you calm down? He didn't see me" Jaemin was starting to get upset seeing Jeno treat him like a dirty secret.

"We can't be careless like this until he leaves. Do you know how embarrassing it would be to get caught with you" Jeno shut his mouth as soon as he realised what he said.

"I guess you're right. It would be terribly embarrassing to be in love with me" Jaemin went to open the window, but Jeno was quick to shut it and pull him into a hug.

"Don't go, I'm sorry" Jaemin tried to get out of Jeno's grip and jerked back. "Well, I can't stay here since your girlfriend is supposed to be here! So you better go get me a wig then, a dress and heels too while you're at it" Jaemin sounded annoyed, and Jeno would be lying if he said it didn't scare him a bit.

"I'm sorry, you're not an embarrassment. If anyone is, then it's me" Jeno got down on his knees in front of Jaemin to beg for forgiveness. "Stop being dramatic, get your ass up" Jaemin pulled Jeno up before lightly hitting his head.

"That's for being a dick" Jeno mumbled a 'sorry' into Jaemin's lips as he connected them. Jaemin wanted to stay mad at him, but he knew it wouldn't last long. He never thought he would fall in love, but here he was.

"I still need the underwear" Jaehyun came in for a second time and clearly saw Jaemin. Jaehyun shut the door behind them as Jeno and Jaemin moved away from each other. "Hyung, look, I can explain. It's not what you think it is" Jaemin looked at Jeno, disappointed knowing that he would probably never change.

"Who is he? What would your girlfriend do if she found out! Are you crazy!?" Jaehyun whisper shouted, making sure their parents won't hear anything. "I'm the girlfriend" Jaemin waved unbothered as he sat on Jeno's chair and crossed his legs.

"What do you mean? You don't look like a girl, but then again, I'm sorry I shouldn't judge" Jaemin frowned at how stupid Jaehyun was being. "There is no girlfriend. Your brother is in love with me! I'm his damn boyfriend who he gives no shit about."

Jaemin flung his bag over his shoulder before going towards the door. "Oh babe, you're still hard. Maybe you can get your girlfriend to help you out" Jaemin looked at Jeno, displeased, before walking out his room door and slamming it shut.

Jeno sat on his bed and pulled his hair in annoyance. How did he manage always to make Jaemin upset, it's like whatever he did would only end up hurting him. He knew he would never love anyone as much as he loved Jaemin, but he somehow hurts him more and more.

Jaehyun awkwardly went to sit down next to Jeno before throwing an arm over his shoulder. "Don't worry, baby brother. Your girlfriend is a weird looking one, but it seems like she loves you" Jeno looked at Jaehyun in annoyance as he pushed his arm off him.

"How are you the smart one in our family? I worry about your patients" Jaehyun glanced at him, confused before getting up to leave but stopping when he remembered why he came to the bedroom in the first place. "So my underwear...?"

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