(A/N - For y'all who thinks this is a smut, this is NOT a smut.)
Also thank you @jakeycherries for this request. Hope you like it! This was my first request so I don't know if it's good or not.
Y/N Pov
Jake waited by my locker while I took out my book for homeroom. It was another typical day or at least that's what I thought.
"Shall we go Y/N" Jake asked me taking my hand gently. I took his hand and smiled at him.
"Let's go Jakey." I said.
"Uhhhh Y/N, I'll see you later after homeroom." Jake suddenly said as he let go of my hand, face reddening like a tomato fast walking down the hallway.
'What was that?' I thought as I looked around the hallway. 'What did Jake see? He looked so scared.'
Then I immediately noticed it.
The Great Angry Bird.
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Park Jay, my cousin.
'The next time you do something like this, you are gonna get it from me Jay.' I thought as I gave Jay a cold stare before going to the homeroom.
After school, at the park...
Jake POV
"I really love you Y/N." I said looking at her as I pushed a strand of hair that was covering her face.
"Oh Jake, I love you too." she said leaning on my shoulder as we sat on a park bench that overlooked the small lake at the park.
We were dangerously close. About to kiss. Just as we were about to.....
"Annyong Y/N-ieee and Jakeyy" someone yelled as I quicky pulled off from Y/N and sat up straight.
'OMG it's Jay, should I leave?' I thought as I looked over at Jay, who was happily walking toward us.
Y/N Pov
I was getting tired of this. First at school, now at the park as well. Jay Park you chose death.
"Jay, what's wrong with you?" I asked angrily as Jay came to a stop in front of me.
"What do you mean Y/N?" he asked in a singsong voice.
"Why are you cockblocking me and Jake? Ugh Jay Park you are so annoying!" I shouted angrily, I could feel a frozen Jake behind me. He was obviously scared of the angry bird.
Who wouldn't be?
"I'm not trying to annoy you Y/N, I'm trying to protect you". Jay said giving me a serious face.
'Protect me from whom? Jake? My cute fluffball boyfriend?' I thought, trying my best not to laugh.
"What are you saying now grandpa Jay?" I ask.
"Y/N he's obviously using you! I have proof." Jay declared.
"Oh yeah and how are you going to prove it Engry bird?" I asked, annoyed. My Jakey wouldn't ever do something like that.
"One day I saw him looking at his phone and he was muttering 'she looks sooo cute' hundreds of times! When I asked him what he was looking at, he quickly hid his phone Y/N!" Jay blabbered like an idiot.
Jake and I looked at each other and started to laugh, earning a confused look from Jay.
"Why are you two laughing?" he squeaked, obviously annoyed by our annoying behavior.
"Jay, that was not a girl." Jake says quietly after some time.
"Then what is it?" Jay counters back, still annoyed.
"Ahh you pabo, that's Jake's dog, Layla." I said cracking up again. Jay looked dumbfounded.
"I thought you'll think I'm weird. That's why I hid the phone." Jake explains sheepishly.
"Ohh. Ummm.... I'll leave you guys now." Jay said smiling like an idiot, backing down.
"Ok Jay, promise to never cockblock us again!" I shouted to Jay's retreating back.
"Oh sure, I will!" Jay shouted back.
"Gods Y/N, I love you." Jake said again after some time, looking down at me.
"I think you already said that" I said smiling as we leaned in to kiss, without my annoying cousin to block us.
(A/N - If you guys have any requests, please send me! I'll do anything that's NOT SMUT! Even things like Enhypen with their kids scenarios!)