A/N - NiKi is depicted as a dad here. Please don't think I am sexualizing him. THIS IS JUST AN IMAGINE
No One POV
The sound of your three year old crying woke NiKi up from his deep slumber. You had gone out for an important meeting held at your work place. It was just Niki and the baby.
"I'm coming Hiroki!" NiKi shouted as he ran down the corridor to the nursery. Hiroki was standing inside the crib with her hands grabbing the railing of the crib tightly.
"Shh. Baby what's wrong?" NiKi asked softly as he picked up Hiroki, letting her rest her head on his shoulder.
"want Eomma." she whispered into NiKi's shoulder, her tiny hands grabbing handfuls of the t-shirt he was wearing.
"Oh baby, eomma has gone to work. She'll come back in a few hours ok?" he says soothingly.
Hiroki looks at her dad with a quizzical expression. "What's few?" she asked innocently.
NiKi puts her down on the carpeted floor and hold up eight fingers in his hand. "Eight hours Hiroki."
"Long time..." She says with a small pout forming on her lips.
"Ah not to worry! You can play with your appa right?" NiKi asks, looking lovingly at his daughter.
"Yeah" Hiroki mutters, holding onto NiKi tightly.
"Okay! Let's go get you some breakfast. After that we can play. Alright?" He says, walking to the kitchen with Hiroki hugging him like a koala.
After placing Hiroki on her high chair, NiKi went and took a carton of Chocolate milk from the fridge. After inserting the straw into the carton, he gave it to Hiroki, who looked half sleepy and half sad.
"Eomma" Hiroki suddenly said, tears beginning to form in her eyes. 'Uh oh' NiKi thought. Hiroki was dangerously close to crying and he didn't know how to console her.
"It's ok baby, you have appa!" Niki said brightly, trying his best to do some aegyo to cheer up little Hiroki.
It failed.
"I want eomma!" Hiroki wailed while squirming around on her high chair. Her hands accidently slapped the chocolate milk carton and it fell on the floor, spewing chocolate milk on the once clean floor. It was a mess.
"Hiroki baby, calm down. Mommy will be here before you know it." NiKi said as he bent down to pick up the milk carton from the floor. He placed the carton on the kitchen counter and took his phone.
"Do you want me to call mommy?" NiKi asked and Hiroki nodded qucikly. "Ok. I'll try. She's in a meeting, I'm not sure she'll pick up." NiKi dialed your number and looked down at Hiroki who was looking at the phone in interest.
"Hello? NiKi is everything alright?" your voice rang out of the call, sounding worried.
"Not that much Y/N-ssi," NiKi begin. "Hiroki is asking for you. She was crying and throwing a fit for a long time." he said as he quickly recalled the morning to you.
"Oh. Give the phone to Hiroki." you asked NiKi. Putting on the speaker, he lowered himself so he was at Hiroki's level and held the phone closer to Hiroki.
"Eomma?" Hiroki squeaked to the phone.
"Hiroki! Are you being a good girl to appa?" you asked her.
Hiroki looked at her father guiltily. NiKi smiled down at her as he replied to your question. "Oh Hiroki is always a good girl. She just misses eomma and had a bad morning." he told.
"Aww. Sweety, I miss you too." you told. "But I am coming home after the meeting finishes ok?"
"Oki eomma." Hiroki muttered sadly.
"How about this? After I come home, we'll go out for dinner to your favorite sushi place?" you asked. You can already feel the excitement of both Hiroki and NiKi. It was something they shared.
"Yay!" Hiroki cheered as she clapped, smiling from ear to ear.
"I have another meeting now, I have to go ok? Be a good girl Hiroki!" you told.
"Bye eomma!"
"Bye Hiroki!"
"See you Y/N, thanks for picking up." NiKi said fondly.
"Good bye love, thanks for taking a good care of her while I'm away." you told.
(A/N - THANK YOU for the 10.5K reads and the 300 votes! This may be the last imagine I post in this book before I go hiatus...)

Enhypen Dad Reactions and Scenarios(ON HIATUS)
FanfictionHIATUS ENHYPEN imagines and reactions! Requests are taken! NO SMUT!