When they don't find you in the house after coming home from work - Hyung Line

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(A/N - Some of the members will have children in the reaction In some reactions, the reader will be pregnant.)


"Y/N-iee! I'm home!" Heeseung shouted from the doorway as he took his shoes off. No reply came back to him. 'Maybe they are sleeping. It's 12:50 a.m after all' he thought as he wandered down the hallway to Seulgi's nursery. The girl was nowhere in sight. 'Was she at your bedroom?' Heeseung thought as he came to your shared bedroom... to find it empty as well.

"Seulgi! Y/N!" Heeseung shouted as he searched the whole house frantically. He searched the balcony. Nothing. He searched the garden. No one was there.

'Did they left me?' he thought weakly as he plopped down. Due to his work as an idol, he felt like he didn't allocate a lot of time for his family. 'Did they left me for someone else who was going to give them a lot of attention?' he thought as hot tears streamed down his face.

Just then he heard the front door open and close. He stood up and went into the hallway to see you and Seulgi taking off your shoes. Seulgi had a big smile on her face.

"Where were you?" he squeaked. You looked up at him in surprise.

"We went for an ice-cream run." you replied, while taking Seulgi to brush her teeth. After that both Heeseung and you tucked Seulgi to bed, which was a rare occurrance cause Heeseung was always late to come from work.

"Hee, you look like you cried. What happened?" you ask as you hug him gently, resting your head against his chest, feeling his heartbeat come to normal.

"I -I thought you left me." he says meekly, causing you to look up at his face quizzically. "I don't get to spend a lot of time with you or Seulgi, so I thought you left me." he continues on.

"Heeseungi, we would never leave you. We know your job is hard and we understand that you can't spend every moment with us. That's what make every moment you spend with us precious and unforgettable." you say, causing Heeseung to smile. "Both Seulgi and I love you Hee."

"Thank you love." he whispers as you guide him to your bedroom for his much needed sleep.


Jay dropped his practice bag in the living room and went to your shared bedroom, hoping to find you asleep. Instead, he found the bed empty. 

'Is she in the bathroom?' he thought as he went and checked the bathrooms in the house. You often woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom because of your pregnancy. But you weren't there as well.

"Y/N?" he called out as he looked in the kitchen and all the other rooms in the house. You weren't anywhere. Jay started to panic as he dialed your number. Your phone rang inside the house. 'Where did she go? Why did she forget the phone?' Jay thought anxiously pacing down the hallway, hoping you would come soon from wherever you were.

After a while, the front door opened to reveal you with a bag full of various types of instant Ramen and other junk food.

"Hey Jay!" you chirped happily, not noticing his pale face as he gaped at you. "Where did you go? It's 1 a.m Y/N!" he exclaimed.

"Oh! Me and the babies were craving Ramen, so I went to the convenience store around the corner." you told as you held up your shopping bags for Jay's inspection.

"You should've called me and told me to bring those for you Y/N. At least take your phone next time you go out, will you? I was really scared." he said. You smiled guiltily as you hugged him lightly, which was your way of saying sorry.

"I'll go and make this Ramen for you. Go and change into your pajamas." he told as he went to the kitchen to make your midnight cravings.


A tired Jake walked in through the front door. The clock read 1:31 a.m. His work had held him late again. He sighed as he dropped the practice bag on the hallway and trudged upstairs to look at Sunmi before going to your shared bedroom. 

Instead of finding Sunmi on her bed, he found a empty bed with no one. 'Maybe she's sleeping with Y/N again.' Jake thought to calm himself. He knew that Sunmi often liked to sleep with you two whenever she had a nightmare. 

But when he came your shared bedroom, he found an empty bed as well. Layla, who often slept on the foot of your bed, was absent as well.

He started to panic, frantically searching for you three all around the house. No one was at the garden or in any of the balconies. Suddenly Layla made her entrance from the staircase that lead to the rooftop. 'Maybe they are there.' Jake thought as he climbed up the staircase to the rooftop, to find you and Sunmi cuddled up into a bench, whispering about something.

"Look at that star!" Jake could hear Sunmi say excitedly.

"Y/N?" Jake called out to you. You turned around in surprise.

"Daddy!" Sunmi shouted as she ran toward Jake, who picked her up and huddled her closer to him. "What are you two doing here?" he asked you as he let Sunmi rest her head on his shoulder.

"Sunmi couldn't sleep. So we decided to look at the stars." you said as you walked up next to them. Jake smiled as he hugged both of you, his worries going away.

"Let's go and sleep hmm?" Jake asked, looking at Sunmi who had fallen asleep on Jake's shoulder.


"Minho? Y/N? I'm home!" Sunghoon exclaimed as he came into the living room, hoping to see you playing with your son. Instead, he found Gaeul (his dog) lazily sleeping on the carpet floor. 

'Huh? Where were they?' he thought as looked in the kitchen and then the shared bedroom and Minho's nursery. No one was found.

"Y/N!" he shouted as he went further into the house. 'Did they go out? If they did, Y/N usually leaves a message.' he thought frantically.

"In here!" your voice was heard from far away. Sunghoon finally found you and a crying Minho in the laundry room, which was far away from the bedrooms. 

"You're early." you said, looking up at the clock in the laundry room that read 2:30 p.m. 

"Yeah, our practices ended early today. Why is Minho crying?" he asked, as he took Minho  from your hold and cuddled him.

"Minho's stuffed animal almost got flushed in the toilet. We rescued it and it's in the washing machine now." you said, nodding toward the washing machine which was active.

"Oh Minho, it's alright. Your toy will come out fresh and new after the washing ok? How about we go and play with your other toys?" Sunghoon asked, as he took Minho to his nursery, giving you a loving and reassuring smile.

(A/N - I'll make the maknae line reactions soon! Please bear with my slow writings! :( I made each of the Hyung Line reactions longer this time, which is my way of saying sorry for my inactiveness. LOL )

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