Cheater bakugou X reader p.2

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Y/N pov

It had been a couple weeks since you had witnessed bakugou cheat on you. To be honest you were over him, you only felt down for a couple of days before realizing you were better than that.

You had started to hang out with kirishima alot more recently. He's so easy going and friendly that you were just drawn to him, he was like the exact opposite of bakugou, it felt nice to not have to deal with angry comments for once.

Walking into the classroom you glanced over everyone spotting kirishima's bright smile, you headed straight over towards him without hesitation taking quick steps, reaching him you set your backpack down and sat at your desk smiling over at him "hey training with you was so much fun yesterday!" He looked at you and grinned "yeah it totally was! I feel improved and you are doing great! We need to train together more often."

Nodding in agreement you opened your mouth to speak when Aizawa interrupted you telling the class to hush as he started to teach his lesson, looking over at kiri you pouted wanting to talk more with him.

He saw your face and laughed with a tiny blush. Throughout the lesson you two sent little glances to eachother, this Didnt go unnoticed to bakugou he was angrily glaring at you two.

Both of you ignored his antics, kirishima had stopped hanging out with him because of how he cheated on you he called bakugou unmanly for treating you like that.

During lunch you and kiri hung out at the rooftop to avoid drama from anyone, you had made eachother lunches, you made him his favorite meal and he made you yours.

The both of you enjoyed the cooking and talked about what kind of hero's you wanted to be, he wanted to be manly and save people, he even spoke some about his past to you.

In return you told him you wanna focus on helping people realize that they can be hero's regardless of how "useless" they may think their quirks are.

"Thats a really nice goal, I know you will inspire so many people!" He said patting your head you blushed and looked away.

"You will be a great hero too kiri!" You looked back at him and hugged him and smiled and hugged back you two stayed hugging for the rest of lunch.

Sighing and moving away you walked back to the classroom with a big red blush on your face, you never thought you would catch feelings for anyone so quickly.

Sitting down you looked to your left and saw denki facedown on his desk passed out you poked him a couple of times but he wouldn't budge so you shrugged and left him there.

Kirishima laughed from your right "he definetly shouldn't have stayed up all night playing pokemon go last night" you laughed and nodded "yeah he's gotten too addicted to that game I swear.."

————————————————- timeeeeskippp

When class finished you and kiri walked to the dorms together talking about training over the weekend, "we should watch a movie tonight!" You said excitedly remembering how he gets scared at horror movies.

"Yeah that sounds awesome! Lets do it!" He said enthusiastically, you snickered quietly already planning out the movie in your head.

You both headed to your dorm room and set up a little blanket fort, letting him finish setting it up you went downstairs to the kitchen to make popcorn.

Seeing a couple classmates as you walked into the kitchen you waved at them, making a good fullsized bowl of popcorn you headed back upstairs to your dorm room.

He opened the door for you and helped you by taking the popcorn to the fort he set it down and laid himself out on the blanket

You hopped over his laying form and laid down next to him grabbing the remote and putting the horror movie on with a big smirk.

You watched his face slowly morph into surprise when he saw the title "a horror movie?" You giggled and patted his red hair "yes problem?" You asked teasingly

He shook his head "'no of course not!" You hummed and looked at the screen as the movie started, throughout the time you watched him give slight flinches here and there.

In the end he was snuggled up against you.
Mission successful.

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