Todoroki X Cute reader

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Im gonna try and update this book more I suppose.


sighing you glanced over at todoroki who was seated near the front of the classroom, you really really liked him, but you were slowly losing hope in ever getting noticed by him.

Looking forward when you felt a tap on your shoulder it was mina. "Hey L/N still looking at todoroki I see" she said smirking knowingly. Gasping slightly you opened your mouth to protest "I was not!" She giggled and nodded her head "sure sure" both of you look back to the front focusing on aizawa.

Aizawa was splitting us into groups of two to work on a project about your favorite hero.
"Bakugou and mina"
"Momo and koda"
"Jiro and denki"
You spaced out until your heard your name being called
"L/N and Todoroki"
Oh you have got to be kidding me. You were put with you crush! Who doesnt even know you exist.. probably. Sighing you walked over to his desk and smiled at him.

He looked up and gave a tiny smile back. "Well L/N lets get started." You nodded your head and the two of you started to converse about hero's and what not.

"I really admire F/H" (favorite hero).
You stated blushing while looking down, surprisingly he responded "I admire them too. Lets do our project on them." You nodded your head excited.

Time skip to the end of school.~~~

Packing up your things you started to walk away with mina to head home, when you felt a tug on your wrist, slowly turning around confused you blushed a pretty pink color. "T-todroki?" He apologized and let go of your hand "I just wanted to ask if you would like to come to the new cafe with me for lunch tomorrow"  blinking in surprise you responded quickly "yes!" He smiled a bit and let you go back walking with mina.

You babbled on to mina about how he asked you out to the new cafe. She just smiled rolling her eyes already knowing that you two have liked each other.

Arriving home you waved bye to mina "see you tomorrow!!" She waved back and you ran inside throwing your backpack down on the floor. Running to your room you hopped onto your bed and picked up your cat named P/N snuggling onto them.

You set your cat down and walked to your closet to pick a comfortable outfit to wear to the cafe. You chose a cute pair of black jeans and a F/C sweater overtop.

Feeling satisfied you set the outfit down and ran to your bed to get started on your homework, after finishing you drifted off to sleep dreaming of todoroki's cute face.

Yawing you woke up the next day feeling energized and ready for your date! You quickly put on your cute outfit and ate some breakfast to pass time until lunch.


A knock on your door brought you out of your trance jumping up off your couch you fast walked over to the front door opening it you saw todoroki.
"Hey L/N ready for lunch?" You smiled at him "yeah hold on let me go get my purse!" Running back inside you jumped up and down grabbing your purse excited.

You and todoroki walked to the cafe in a peaceful silence. He held the door open for you to walk inside you thanked him.

Sitting down at a cute little booth you both looked over the menu. "Mm this F/F looks really good." You stated drooling slightly at the thought. Todoroki chuckled at that and ordered soba.

The food was absolutely delicious, after the food you both decided to head to your house. Blushing you glanced over at him from your spot on the couch he was watching tv intently.

Turning he saw you looking and smirked slightly "done staring yet?" You blushed more looking away huffing annoyed "I wasn't staring.." he laughed and shook his head "your cute." He said bluntly, snapping your head back over to him "your hot."

Getting up from his spot he leaned over you and blushed "yeah?" Slowly you nodded your head snd smirked.

You guys had a nice night after that.

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