Shigaraki X Hero reader

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Y/N pov

Whenever you were on duty you always felt a strange sensation of somebody watching you, it sent shivers up your spine because you could never spot anyone around you

It was another day of you helping a poor civilian from harm, telling them to stay careful and be safe, walking away while keeping your guard up because you were still on duty

Sighing you felt that strange feeling again somebody was watching you. You honestly had no idea why anyone would feel like you were someone to stalk, you weren't like a high ranking hero.

You tried glancing around yourself subtly without giving away what you were trying to do, looking up suddenly your heart dropped and you froze seeing some red eyes looking right at you

You started to head away from the figure feeling unsettled and uneasy, now running away from the area you leaned over and panted quietly, looking around the abandoned alley way you had hid in

Thinking you had lost the strange guy you pulled out your phone ready to tell hawks one of your former friends what had just happened
Hitting dial you lifted your phone up to your ear

Feeling more hesitant you looked around and waited for hawks to pick up hearing him pick up your eyes lit up in hope "hello? Hawks?" You spoke in a slight panic not hearing him respond

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion "hawks-" your phone started to dissolve into nothing "what- what the hell..?!" Stumbling backwards you fell down harshly

Looking up above you quickly you saw the same guy with bright red eyes staring at you with a creepy smile you could see his pale blue looking hair peek out of his hood you shivered once again knowing he was the one that would watch you during your hero work

"Who even are you?" You asked boldly feeling like you had seen him somewhere maybe on TV or something he laughed and started to back away and put his hood down and you froze "no... NO" you got up as fast as you could but he grabbed your hand he had four fingers around your wrist

This was the league of villains leader the ominous guy that had attacked those students when they were training "please just let me go" you begged "im not even that strong! I would be of no asset to you" he laughed again "oh no my little hero im not here to use you" he used his other hand to caress your face carefully "such soft skin.. ive waited for this for so long"

You whimpered in confusion trying to tug your wrist away "oh no my little hero we will have none of that." Looking at him in shock "wait no-" he knocked you out and everything went black.

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip

Waking up with a gasp you sat up looking at your surroundings quickly, you could feel your head pounding with a headache that would surely put you in more misery

Hearing footsteps arrive to your enclosed room you winced waiting for the old looking door to open up, just as the doorknob started to get jiggled you heard a familiar voice yell out to someone "get away from that door toga!" You heard some insane giggles and she walked away

Sighing in relief you relax just slightly knowing that she was quite the crazy one, who knows what she would have done to you probably take your blood or something.

You needed to come up with a plan to escape you knew he had been watching you for a while so he probably would expect something from you

Your hands were tied down to the chair but your legs and feet weren't, you rocked the chair backwards gaining up a momentum doing in once more you leaned back and broke the chair your hands were still tied but you were standing up now.

You heard footsteps hurrying towards the door from your loud crash of breaking the chair, you sighed and frantically tried getting the rope off of your wrists you rubbed them against a piece of the broken chair as quick as you could

Your wrist was in pain and you could feel a wet trickle of some blood dripping down your wrists, you looked over just as the door was slammed open you crawled backwards away from him

"Oh my little hero what are you trying to do?" You quickly thought of a plan using your smartness to your advantage, he definitely would not expect this, you slowly crawled towards him, he kneeled down like he expected you to kiss his feet or something.

You looked up at him and he smiled a deranged smile seeing you near him you shivered subtly hoping he hadn't seen it you leaned up towards him you blushed at the closeness but shook it off staying focused he looked shocked

You tilted your face up towards his "can you please until my ropes my wrists are feeling hurting" looking at you suspiciously he disintegrated the rope away from your wrists "see you shouldn't of tried escaping" he gently grabbed on hand and gave it a kiss

Your eyes widened in shock he was being gently you did NOT see that coming you looked down and he tilted your head up still being careful "aww is my little hero surprised?" You looked up at him thinking in your head on what to do.

You had never been treated like such a princess before it made feel wanted and in a strange way safe... back at your house you were all alone. Even hawks didn't spend any time with you anymore

He could tell you were contemplating something in your head, he leaned in and softly gave you a kiss you didn't hesitate to kiss back, had you made the wrong decision? Who knows.

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