Kirishima X Reader

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Ik its been a while, anyways my writing has greatly improved. This will be slightly spicy


Y/N Pov

Brushing hair away from my eyes I sighed in disinterest has Mr Aizawa was teaching math, he too seemed rather bored though

My eyes scanned across the classroom landing upon sharp looking red hair, a smile formed across my face 'he looks like he is bored too.' Humming I looked back to the front of the class not wanting to be scolded by Aizawa

Eventually the bell rang as I sprung up from my seat quickly heading out of the classroom as I passed kirishima I grabbed his arm and heard him chuckle "You don't have to pull me y/n I am coming!"

With a roll of my eyes I shushed him "Yeah yeah come on im hungry hehe~" arriving by my side he looked down at me with a pointed stare "You're always hungry"

I glared at him in defense "hey food is basically the best part of my day" he nodded as we continued to walk towards the cafeteria, on the way we passed by a few classmates and greeted them

"Anyways since you lost that bet you have to pay for my lunch!" He groaned "yeah yeah rub it in" I laughed as we finally reached the noisy cafeteria

Scanning over the crowd I tugged on kirishima's hand dragging him towards the food, after he paid for the food he found a nice secluded area for us to eat at

smiling at him I looked down at my favorite food as my mouth watered in excitement, he bit into his 'manly burger', I dug into my food and started to eat not leaving any crumbs

Looking up towards his face I noticed his lingering gaze "what?" I questioned him when I saw him stop biting into his burger

He leaned towards my face towering over me as I stared up at him in confusion "..wha-" his thumb brushed along the corner of my lips as a smirk graced his features

"You could have just told me!" I blushed furiously Hiding my face in my sleeves, "that wouldn't have been as fun~" he stated as he watched my flustered reaction

With a glare I stood up even though I was still shorter than him, puffing up my chest I tried to make myself seem intimidating "Don't start things you can't finish!"

With a deep chuckle he raised an eyebrow with a smirk on his face, leaning right near my ear I could feel his warm breath right against me as he whispered "are you suggesting we do more?"

My bold stance started to stagger as I used my arms to try and push him away, he gripped my wrists gently and brought me closer, blushing red I froze not knowing what to do

He released me and laughed "oh n/n! Im just messing around with you" using one hand he ruffled my hair while smiling down at my shocked expression "Don't tease me like that kiri!"

Smacking his hand away I crossed my arms and started to walk to our next class as he followed in amusement behind me watching as I slipped into the classroom

Taking my usual seat I couldn't help but think about the events that went down earlier, kirishima sat in the seat next to me like he always did

Peering at him out of the corner of my eyes I blushed light pink at his cute concentrated face, looking forward I felt a hand slide onto my thigh, with a gasp I looked over to kirishima only to see him paying attention to the front of the classroom

I tried subtly nudging his hand away but it stayed still gripping onto the exposed skin gently yet firmly, blushing red I looked back to the front of the class desperately trying to ignore the warm rough hand placed on my thigh

Once class was over I grabbed onto the redhead yanking him out of his seat quickly dragging him out of the classroom with me, turning around I stared him down slightly mad "you cannot tease me like that!"

He leaned forward and I felt a warmth on my cheek, realizing he kissed me I sighed and looked up at him before leaning in and placing my lips over his giving into my inner desires

His body leaned into mine making my face heat up has we continued to kiss eachother with hidden tension, stepping backwards a bit I gasped feeling my shoulders hit the cool wall of the hallway

My eyes snapped open as I started pulling away from kirishima realizing we were still out in the open, I tried tugging onto his hair slightly but it only made him groan has he started to trail kisses over my neck his sharp teeth nicking the sensitive skin leaving marks

I let out a quiet moan when he continued to suck against my neck before finally pushing him off and breathing heavily

"lets.. take this somewhere else.."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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