Bakugou katsuki X rude reader

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I'm not sure how I feel about this book lmao.
Anyways let's get started


Rolling my eyes looking at the stupid fight that just broke out in the classroom, sighing I loudly remarked "Yo bakugou shut up already your making a huge aśs fuss out of nothing!" Izuku who was looking at bakugou frightened looked over at you slightly thankful.

Bakugou glared over at me "DO YOU WANNA GO L/N?!" Glaring back at him I stood up "LETS GO!"
Everyone else was sighing has this was the usual morning fight we had everyday, Mr Aizawa glared at both of us yelling at us to sit down "YOU TWO HAVE DETENTION I'm tired of all this... I'm tired all the time" he whispered the last part even though we all heard it.

Has I sat down Bakugou glared hatefully at me I glared straight back, 'I can't believe I have to go to detention with that angry cat!' A loud noise interrupted my thoughts oh wait it was just the bell ew that's annoying.



Rolling my eyes at the cat's angry curse words every five seconds. Finally I snapped "can you shut up?! Like ever?!" His whole body when still and I started to regret saying anything at all he turned of at me glaring and taking large steps to where I was sitting he leaned right up in my face still glaring "this is ALL your fault!!" Leaning forward I glared at him "actually it's your fault! If wasn't for your stupid big mouth and annoying self I wouldn't have had to yell at you!"

Both of our faces were inches apart mere I n c h e s Staring up at him I growled and tried pushing him back but he must have stole kirishimas quirk because he didn't even budge.

He leaned down and glowered at me leaning back I started to blush slightly he smirked at that "look who's blushing" I looked down feeling mad at him has I was starting to speak he cut me off by slamming his lips onto mine.

Surprisingly I kissed back right away with no hesitation at all he pulled me closer while I roughly tugged on his hair finally pulling away we both glared "I hate you." He responded "I hate you more."

We both stared at each other before we kissed again rougher than the first time he started trailing his kisses down my jaw and towards my neck I gasped slightly moving backwards a bit-

And then I fell off the desk panting while staring up at him while I was flustered he looked at me for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter? "It's not funny! My side hurts.. ughh" he rolled his eyes and pulled me up easily "your such a baby Y/N" I pouted at his words.

He carried me out of the detention classroom has I got confused "we're gonna get in trouble for leaving" he glared ahead "no." He set me down and walked away after he said a quiet bye to me.

Okay it got kinda steamy LOL
Any requests?
Part two?

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