Aizawa X Training teacher

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Y/N pov

You had applied for a job a UA high school as a teacher or assistant, good news and bad news. The good news you were accepted!! The bad news you had to help teach and learn from the pro hero eraserhead.

Great, you heard he was super strict and serious, although you could be serious too you tended to like being kinder and more open. You had already made your lunch and wore a uniform the school gave you.

It was just a matter of getting to the school early seeing as you did NOT want to be yelled at on your first day for being late.

Eventually arriving at the massive school you shook away your nervousness and put on a small smile hoping everything would turn out fine.

Heading to the room 1A after looking at your paper you shoved it into your pocket and knocked on the rather big door.

A homeless man- no thats just eraserhead opening the door, he was staring you down before moving aside to let you into the classroom, you shifted awkwardly.

He cleared his throat and spoke in an uninterested voice "don't get in my way, watch what I do and take notes on what your jobs going to be."

Alright yeah his voice definitely surprised you nodding your head in a quick manner you spoke in a calm voice "yes sir!" He grumbled something and then plopped over into a ... sleeping bag..?

Okay yeah he was way different than what the media portrayed him as. Leaning over his desk you peeked at him form laying on the floor in the bag "um sir-" he shushed you "wait for the kids to come in."

Sighing in annoyance at his lazy attitude you sat on his desk now regretting arriving so early. You crossed your arms and huffed in boredom "stop huffing and puffing already" spoke aizawa from the floor.

Rolling your eyes you stayed quiet and waited for the students patiently, around 20 minutes later some kids started to walk in quietly conversing with one an other.

It took them a few seconds but they eventually noticed you, it was a kid with yellow blonde hair with a lightning streak..? He looked like a Pokémon or something.

Aizawa arose up from the floor and started to speak when all the kids had arrived to class "this is my new assistant, I expect you all to be on your best behaviour."

A few kids smiled at you.. some ugly purple ball man thing winked you shivered in disgust, glancing away from the thing you looked over to see another creature- kid angrily glaring with crimson red eyes. Oh boy he looks like a handful you thought to yourself.

A green haired kid with a notebook raised his hand quickly looking at you with interest, you nodded to him slowly waiting to see what he was so excited about "um miss if I may ask, what is your quirk?" Ah I see now.

"Ah sure, my quirk is based on the sun mostly, taking energy from its rays I can make a very blinding light form from parts of my body, quite simple really, the only drawback is if I run low on sun energy I get very drained and can end up in a small coma."

The green haired kid scribbled down notes based on your quick in a very fast manner, you raised an eyebrow in surprise feeling kinda happy someone was excited over your quirk.

Looking to your side you saw Aizawa looking at you in interest, a tiny blush was on your face you smirked at him and he just looked away describing what would be happening in class.

To be honest you didn't Pay much attention to what he was saying you were too focused on his quite handsome face.

He looked at you and shook his face now smirking at you, looking away quickly you blushed he definitely caught you staring damn.

Everyone was walking out of the classroom and heading outside to practice their quirks, you quickly stood up to follow after them when a piece of fabric wrapped around your wrist and tugged you away from the door.

Yelping in surprise you tried tugging your wrist away looking behind you and seeing aizawa looking at you "you need to pay more attention to your surroundings." You rolled your eyes and mumbled "yeah like your any better damn caterpillar" he looked at you in shock.

"Did you just call me a caterpillar?? Watch your mouth, you are only an assistant." You mocked him "yeah yeah oNly aN assiStanT" he moved towards you slowly but it was still intimidating.

Stumbling backwards you fell down and he leaned over you pulling you up "I suggest you watch your attitude." You nodded quickly not wanting to tempt him more, even if he looked hot when angry.

He strolled past you and motioned for you to hurry up, scrambling after him you followed him outside keeping track of how to get to the classroom.

Walking outside and looking at the sun you felt refreshed and better, glancing around the large field you saw all the students working on their quirks, your favorites were Jiro, shoji and kirishima.

You could see them all becoming very good hero's their quirks were quite unique, all of the students seemed close with eachother.. besides maybe the angry one and the one that looked like a peppermint, pretty sure he is endeavors son, no wonder he looks so determined to use his ice.

Strolling around each student throughout the rest of class and helping them when needed, around the end of class the green haired kid midoriya walked up to you with some others.

"Um miss Y/N could you maybe show us your quirk in action?" Your eyes widened that was a little surprising.

"Well I don't see why not.. step back please." You spoke straightening up and stretching out your body, you looked at the sky and shot a light beam from your palm, making sure it wasn't too bright seeing as you didn't want to make any of the students blind.

Midoriya was writing down more notes.. does he just have that notebook everywhere or something? Shaking your head you lowered your hand and smiled at everyone.

They started talking about how cool that was followed by deku asking some questions, after a few minutes of speaking in more detail about your quirk Aizawa told everyone class was dismissed and that it was time to go.

Looking over at him you tilted your head with an amused expression, he walked over "pretty interesting quirk. I wonder how your hand to hand combat is." You shrunk back knowing you hadn't practiced your combat too much.

"Well probably better than yours!" You stated in the heat of the moment he chuckled "right we will see about that."

Uhh part two with combat training..?

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