Izuku midoriya x shy reader

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First oneshot :)
Your quirk: invisibility when you hold your breath you go invisible you can hold your breath for long periods of time making you a stealth hero. However if you hold your breath to many times in a day you get headaches and become drowsy.

You sighed and turned onto your side groaning at the loud blaring noise of your alarm clock "shut up you stupid clock!" Sighing you slammed your hand onto the alarm clocking shutting it off but has you were leaning over you fell off your bed and face planted the floor "why meee" wheezing slightly (😂)
You got up and stumbled over to your closet changing into your UA school uniform.

After changing you brushed your teeth and zoomed down your stairs and grabbed an apple eating it has you started your walk to school.

~TIME SKIP to when your at school~

You entered the classroom and glanced around seeing that Mostly everyone was already there you looked away knowing that you were too socially awkward to try and talk to any of them even though they are very friendly except for bakugou... boy he scared you to the very ᴄᴏʀᴇ. You walked over to your seat with you head down slightly not watching where you were going when a foot was stuck out in front of you tripped and quickly held your breath activating your quirk making you invisible has you fell.

You made sure no one saw you fall because you didn't want to be made fun of or laughed at you glanced over you shoulder has you were still holding your breath to see who had tripped you 'oh of course it was bakugou' you sighed got back up walking to your seat you sat down and stopped holding your breath and turning visible again and looked down.

You looked up from your seat and looked around at everyone and waiting for class to start has you were watching your surroundings your E/C eyes stopped at emerald green eyes looking back at you looking down quickly flustered and embarrassed that Izuku midoriya your crush was looking back at you!

Mr Aizawa walked into the class and started teaching everyone.

~TIME skiPPPP to lunch~

The bell ringed indicating class was over and it was time for lunch, during class you kept glancing at Izuku has usual.. but today he was looking back at you a lot. You got up from your seat and covered you face with your H/C hair and walked out of the classroom towards the roof since that was were you usually ate lunch as you were walking a hand tapped your shoulder.

You turned around a little curious at who tapped you looking up from the floor you saw Izuku looking at you with a smile "hey Y/N I noticed that you are never in the lunch room, so I was wondering if you would like to eat lunch with me and uraraka?"
You blushed bright red and stuttered a bit looking at him "u-uh sure! I would love to eat lunch with you!" OOps maybe you were a little to loud he looked a little surprised that you had said yes "great let's go!" He grabbed your hAnd! Your mind was going bonkers.

You both entered the lunchroom and headed over to the table that uraraka and Iida were sitting at Izuku dragged you next to him and sat down he was still holding your hand! You were blushing red and he let go of your hand to start eating his food you watched him a bit then started eating your food as well happy that he was so close to you for you had finally found

𝗔 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 :)

Should I make a part two?
Sorry it was kinda short

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