Todoroki X reader

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Y/N Pov

Sighing you looked at the ceiling in boredom, the campus was on lockdown no one knew why Mr Aizawa just instructed everyone to stay inside and be on guard for anything

You were laying down on one of the common room couches thinking of anything you could do, everyone for the most part was inside their dorm rooms, you were so bored you almost wanted a villain to attack you

Closing your eyes you let out an annoyed groan glad that nobody was watching you knowing you were not being very mature at the time being, flopping over onto your stomach you listened to the tick of the clock

As time went by you slowly started to feel sleepy shifting you shoved your face into the pillow that was laid out, enjoying how soft it felt against your face, closing your eyes you drifted away into a slumber

You were shook away by somebody, groaning in annoyance you shooed them away with your hand face still in the pillow, they suddenly grabbed you and sat you up, oh- it was Todoroki, well thats embarrassing

You rubbed behind your neck with your hand nervously "hey...?" He just stared at you emotionlessly "what are you doing out of your dorm room?" You huffed and rolled your eyes "I could ask you the same thing pfft-" he looked unamused at your response "I only came down for water"

"Oh well thats nice, you should just go back to your dorm than" you said with slight attitude he said nothing and just plopped onto the couch "im good actually."

It was really awkward. Neither of you were speaking you both just sat there in silence staring at literally nothing, eventually you got bored again and started poking his face repeatedly "can you stop?" You pretended to think about it humming slightly "mmm no"

You were just poking his cheek seeing how long it would take for him to snap and stop you, but honestly he was boring he just sat there accepting everything

You laid your head down onto his lap staring up at him trying to provoke a reaction out of him, he merely looked down at you as if you were a peasant or something "seriously?" You said annoyed

You reached a hand up to his soft looking hair, you giggled and messed around with it, you noticed a very slight blush on his face "what are you doing?" He said finally speaking again "entertaining myself... duh" he raised an eyebrow at you and just let you do your thing

"Lets play tag or something.." you spoke up and he looked at you "there are only two of us" you huffed "soooo? We can manage!" He sighed leaning back "fine but id rather be it."

That surprised you in a way.. you had expected him to wanna be hider so he could just sneak back to his dorm or something "alright fine by me" you slid off of his lap giving him a wink
"Count to 25" with that you ran off trying to find a good hiding place

It was actually really hard to find a place to hide around here.. you had cram yourself inside one of the many cabinets that were throughout the kitchen area, you were pretty satisfied though thinking that if he wanted to find you it would be extra hard searching every cabinet

It had been about three minutes and you could finally hear little taps meaning he was finally checking the kitchen area, you held your hand over your mouth to keep your breathing quiet

Hearing him near your area you raised an eyebrow in the darkness of the cramped space, a low creaking noise entered your ears.. he just searched the cabinet right beside you

'Dont search here- dont search here- shit' he opened your cabinet and stared down at you unimpressed "this was the best you could do?" You scrunched up your face "seriously? Have you seen this area? There was nowhere basically" he let out a laughed and pulled you out of the uncomfortable cabinet

Oh man his laugh was so cute, this was your first time every hearing him laugh, you definitely wanted to hear him laugh more he even looked sorta happy

You touched his hair again you couldn't help yourself, it was just so soft and silky to play with he actually leaned into your touch a bit that made you blush "ohhh? Someone enjoying their hair played with?"

He just nodded "awh yeah who's a good puppy" you laughed teasing him a bit, he looked at you and huffed "oh please more pets.." he said pretending to sound desperate

You two bursted out in laughter finding the whole situation to be silly, damn did you already have a crush on him? He was really handsome

You leaned close to his face and tapped his shoulder with a laugh you smirked "tag you're it!"

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