Chapter 11

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(P.O.V : Asano)

'What's his problem?'
I've been asking myself this question for days now.
Ever since the day we parted after he took me downtown, he kept a /certain/ eye on me.
Feeling his glare on me made me somewhat uncomfortable, but also a bit curious.
Not that I wasn't used to have someone staring at me, but this was different.
"He /is/ different."
"What did you say, Asano-kun?"
After I realized that I just spoke while having breakfast with my father, I gulped.
On my way to school I watched my father's car driving past me.
Even tho we were rather wealthy, he never spoiled me or made me feel special.
I've been walking to school since first grade, while he drove to school -- or better said: He was driving to school by some servant.
Suddenly, I could feel a strange weight on my shoulder.
"Hey there!~"
The redhead who just put his arm around my shoulder, grinned at me.
"Looking grumpy like always?~"
"What are you doing here?"
I couldn't help myself but to be a bit amused by his sudden appearance.
"Walking to school, obviously-"
He stated with a /way/ too serious voice, but ended up laughing at his statement.
I said with a slight smile on my lips.
He was about to say something but stopped himself after noticing my smile.
"I guess I am - but it means even an idiot is able to beat you!~"
Surprised by his words, I chuckled lightly.
"Well played."
A sense of blush appeared on his cheeks.
"I know!~"
"-And now, would you mind removing your arm? You're heavy."
I told, making him lean onto me even more.
"You're impossible."
After removing his arm on /my/ way, I entered the school building.
"I really hope you did your homewor-"
I couldn't even finish my sentence before he started laughing.
"How bold of you to assume I would even consider to waste my time on homework!"
"Usually, you wouldn't even consider to join me on my way to school."
"I just... wanted to... make sure you don't get lost or something."
"Me? Getting lost on the way to school? The way I've been walking for years?"
After trying to avoid blushing, he put a smirk on his lips.
"You never know what danger is hiding behind the next corner- Even /I/ could stab you without you noticing."
His eyes were reflecting the light of the morning sun that just peeked into the classroom.
The look on his face was almost intimidating, leading me to take a step back with a uncomfortable feeling growing inside of me.
After reading my expression, his face softened.
"Buuuut- I wouldn't stab a friend... Especially not you."
"It's fine."
I sighed, sat down and took out my notes while he watched me closely. I couldn't believe that a simple look like this could make me feel uneasy and started to write some things down to focus my mind on other, more important things.
Yet I couldn't help but feeling his confused and somewhat sorry eyes on me.
"It's nothing, really. I just wasn't expecting-"
"I know... I'm sorry."
After hearing his words I got up to look him in the eye. This apology bothered me - Hearing him apologizing for an irrelevant thing like this. I couldn't figure out if it's just his lacking self esteem or him going through a rough phase.
"You shouldn't be sorry for being who you are. Even tho you're quite annoying, bold, childish /and/ irresponsible - You are special and some might even say /beautiful/ in your own way... And don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
His face turned bright red and he seemed rather flustered.
"T-Thanks... I guess."
"Sit down and take out your notes - and stop thinking of whatever makes u act that way. I don't like repeating myself."
After being frozen for about a minute, he sat down quietly and took out his notes.
He never took out his notes before and it made me wonder what important matter could make him behave like this.
He even wrote something on the /paper/ in class a It almost seemed too good to be real.
The teachers couldn't believe what they just witnessed.
Karma Akabane, the most delinquent kid in school, did something /relevant/ during the lesson.
Right after lunchtime started, the classroom was nearly abandoned - Only the both of us were still left.
This time I was the one waiting for him to finish, much to my surprise I must say.
I was about to read his notes out of curiosity, until he caught my eye and wadded it up to a ball.
"I-...Let's get going."
He grabbed his lunch and we went outside.
It was strange to see him dawdling on the way to the former E-Class Building.
He looked up to me - I happened to lead the way that day.
"Was it something I said?"
He looked at me and shook his head.
"It's not your fault-"
"You're just acting /way/ different than usual."
"Why are you trying so hard to be someone you think I would like? Do you really want me to refer to you as a friend of mine? Or what?"
After I realized how harsh I just sounded, I walked up to him. He looked down without saying anything. Even in a situation like this I couldn't stop thinking of myself as the reason for everything - but for this moment I had to realize that something bigger was going on. This time Karma was the one I needed to be concerned about - He mattered. I rested my eyes on the slightly smaller male.
'Right, he was the same height as I only a few months ago...'
I pulled him into a gentle hug and whispered in his ear.
"I think you're great just the way you are. I'm sorry, I'll listen to whatever thought is swirling in your mind. I shouldn't have made some assumptions, I apologize."
He suddenly put both of his arms around my chest and hugged me tightly, pressing his head against my shoulders as he leaned into me. I wasn't able to look at his face but that wouldn't matter - His gestures alone gave him away.
'This touch-starved idiot...'
As you could have guessed, I don't usually hug people -- Better said /never/, but since Karma was a different individual with different needs - which I learned to respect - I decided to cross my lines for his sake. His arms were wrapped around my chest and I hold him close.
The hug seemed to last for an eternity, because silly me decided to let him be the one who lets go first.
The face he just revealed after the hug reassured me that I did the right thing. A warm smile rested on his lips as he averted his eyes.
I laughed a little, somewhat happy that my plan of comforting him worked out.
"You better not tell anyone or my reputation is ruined."
He nodded and continued to walk up the mountain, followed by me.
As we arrived and sat down beneath the tree and without saying anything, the red-haired devil did the same thing. Although I must admit that it was unusual for him to sit this straight -- without seeking any form of physical contact.
I was about to take out my note for revision, but something told me not to.
"If you want to tell or ask me something, go ahead."
"Hm? Are you sure?"
He mumbled with his hands fidgeting on his lap.
I gave him a nod and he flashed me a small smile.
"You were my reason for signing up for another 3 years of Kunugigaoka."
I was about to question his statement but he continued with an explanation.
"I knew you were the only one who could challenge me - The only one who could keep me interested... And guess what."
I raised an eyebrow and chuckled a bit.
"You're doing a great job."
"Well, as if I could /ever/ not get my job done?~"
"If I remember correctly you couldn't finish the last task of the fina-"
He said grinning before I gave him the 'death-glare' at the last part of his sentence.
After the lunchtime, he behaved as bad as always - defending his image.
He didn't listen, he slept all lesson long and his notes were no where to be found.
He seemed to have returned to his usual self.
Even after class ended, he didn't want to end his nap and I was forced to drag him along all the way out of the building after the teachers asked me to do so because they wouldn't dare touching him.
"Seriously, I told you to sleep at home - Next time I'll tell the teachers to lock you up."
He looked at me with big, wide eyes.
"You'd leave without me?"
I sighed.
"Only if you keep ignoring my words."
"But I have more important things to do at home!"
"What could possibly-"
"There's this new game and I decided to do a speed-run in order to finish it quickly, so I can buy-"
"You're impossible."
"You're telling me this everyday! It's getting ridiculous."
He sounded annoyed.
"Because it's true! /You/ are the one with the behavior that is getting more ridiculous with every passing day!"
After we both raised our voice, he just looked away and seemed to be upset.
"I'm sorry for being such a pain in the a**..."
He hissed.
"You really should be."
We reached the right point to cross the road but he went in a completely different direction.
Something made me feel upset and I grabbed his arm, leading him to stop.
"Stop being childish! You really expect me to feel sorry because of /your/ behavior? That's a bunch of crap!"
For the second time this day he showed the disturbing side of him - but this time he was furious, even wild.
"You're telling me to stop being who I am in order to please you? Remember what you told me a few hours ago? Now you're the one who's telling me otherwise! I guess you really are a huge hypocrite!"
He pushed me against the wall and his breath was heavy.
His sharp teeth were visible and his eyes were glowing in fury.
"Don't mess with me, Asano!"
After realizing what just happened, I was able to calm down a bit - somehow I wasn't scared and I didn't feel like backing down this time.
I looked right into his eyes, moved forward and pushed him back - gripping his shoulders.
He struggled, trying to escape. I knew he wasn't using all his strength because if he did, he could have gotten out without any problem - something was holding him back.
He snapped out of my grip.
"You're right."
His eyes widened.
"It was in conflict to what I said earlier. I didn't mean it the way I said it - I shouldn't have said it in first place, I understand now... But I /really/ meant what I said a few hours ago. You're completely right, I... was wrong, sorry."
This time it was me averting my eyes.
"I know you're experiencing something really troublesome at the moment and I should pay more attention to your feelings and-"
He walked up to me and let himself lean against me and buried his face in my chest. He was clearly messed up and so was his cracking voice.
"I'm sorry too. I overreacted... I didn't mean-"
I let my fingers brush through his hair and hold him tight.
We stayed like this for some time before he stepped away, smiling.
"I want you to know I'm grateful for every second I spend with you, Asano..."
I smiled back at him and as we continued to head home, I said something I've never told someone before.
"Just call me Gakushū."

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