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The door slammed open to Mareena's room, where a healer was healing her up. House Skonos. Sara Skonos. 

"Good lord Mare, are you alright?!" Sonya said, and then gasped. 

Seline buckled and Maven shot out of his seat. 

"She's asleep, and something's going on with her blood. It's somehow silver. We think it might have to do something with that monstrous lightning bolt she conducted. I called the queen and king up to her room, but we don't know what's going on." 

"She looks so pale!" Sonya whispered, and Maven shook his head. "Her blood is silver right now. When it's back to red, she'll look better. Just don't tell anyone. Especially my brother. What happened after we left?" 

Seline shrugged. "Not much except that Cal was royally pissed off at Evangeline. The instructors are wondering what's going on, and everyone said that Mareena won, because after Evangeline was defeated, she still continued, and you know that's not allowed after a match." 

The king and queen slammed into the room, and Elara knelt besides her. "What happened, Maven? Why is she.. silver?" 

"Evangeline got carried away about losing to her, and they continued to fight, and Mare constructed this... monstrous bolt. We think it might have done something, and Sara's figuring it out." 
The king sighed. "Evangeline just didn't want to lose. But we need to fix this. Sara, anything?" 

She nodded. (I'm going to make Sara able to talk) "Yes, I'm currently working on it. Looks like a dehydration, that's all. Give her maybe 3 hours and she'll be back as red." 

"3 hours?! But her schedule-" Elara screeched. 

"Elara, she's injured, and she'll be killed if they see her with silver blood. Because she's not. Ladies Iral, can you leave us please?" The king said. 

They bowed, and retreated from the room. 

"How is her blood so red?" Sara asked, and Elara nodded. 

"We've been feeding her these.. red blood cells in her food, and they're dangerous, but that's because they're multiplying her silver blood cells into red. Looks like Evangeline potentially just hit a nerve in her face and it backfired. Not a problem, but as soon as you can, next time, Maven, just get her to a healer. The keyword we'll inforce will be 'Criterion' and they'll know what to do." 

Sara stood. "Her blood cells are re-going once more, and it looks like she'll be red within the next 5 minutes again. I'd give her an hour until she wakes up, but nothing more or she won't sleep tonight. I'm not worried now, but don't bash Evangeline's ear. She's just a sore loser." 

Sara bowed, and left, and Elara looked at Maven. "Don't you have somewhere you need to be?" She sniffed. 

Maven gave a pointed look at her. "Mother, she's my betrothed, and even though it might be forced on your hand, I want to be the one who sticks by her side, whether or not that means missing out on my schedule. You can NOT make me move away from her, do you understand me?" 

She glared at him, but backed down, leaving the room with her nose slightly raised. 

The king took a seat on the other side of Mareena, and looked at his son, as he looked down at his betrothed worriedly. 

"I remember the feeling you are experiencing currently. You never met her, but it reminds me of how I looked at Coriane when she was injured sometimes. You love her, don't you?" 

Maven looked up, confused. "Is it possible to actually be in love with a woman that's not technically your blood by birth and knowing her for only a short amount of time?" 

He smiled at his son. "Son, you forget how fast I fell in love with Coriane. It took 3 days." 

Maven looked down at Mareena. "I think after what happened in the arena.. you're right." 

Mareena's eyes slowly opened and Maven grinned down at her. "Hey there, winner." 

She groaned, sitting up, and cradling her head. "What are you talking about? Evangeline totally took me down." 

He grinned. "Nope. The Instructors agreed, that Evangeline attacked after you made the final blow. You defeated her, but then she fought back. After someone is blown out, the match is ended. So you defeated House Samos. Not bad for a red/silver." 

"But what happened? Why did..." 

"Your blood turn silver? The healer said that Evangeline  just hit a nerve in your face and it backfired your red cell regrowing process. You're officially red now, but we had to get you out of there fast. Also, Sonya and Seline are slightly worried right now, because they saw you as a silver." 

"Damn it!" Mareena cursed, falling against her pillow. 

The king shook his head. "We explained that it was some lightning bolt you used that made your blood silver, and they seemed to back off. They're just worried about you, and Elara will throw a fit if you're not at your next class, which isn't for another 30 minutes." 

He looked at Maven, and nodded at Mareena. "I'll leave you alone for a bit." 

Maven nodded at his father, then looked back at Mareena as the door shut. 

"No one, even without her being betrothed and all, has ever taken down Evangeline Samos. You.. are a miracle. Silver-blooded at birth with talent to take down the future Queen of Norta, Cal's betrothed, and a Samos daughter." 

She smiled, and squeezed his hand. "Well, seeing I'm here for the rest of my life, might as well start acting like the princess of Norta, right? Besides, I'm going up against Evangeline, and sometimes your mother." 

He laughed. "Yes, my mother is no easy force to be reckoned with. The same goes for House Merandus, trust me." 

The next hour was spent getting to know one another, and Mareena learned that her and Maven, were actually alike in many ways or another, both the forgotten, both being forced into a betrothal, but because knowing who their betrothed really was, it placed their mind at ease that they could talk and trust one another. 

A/N So sorry for not posting a chapter in ten forevers! It's just been a hard couple of weeks, and I promise that I'll have another one out faster than before!!!! 

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