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A/N Okay, this one is going to be REALLLYYYY hard to read, and it's going to be really bumpy. But trust me on this. It WILL end on a good note. Not this chapter, but the book. 


Every single day I woke up at dawn, and looked at my wife's peaceful face. No worries on her face, and she looked carefree. Happy. 

How could I keep lying to her about her age when she was approaching peaking stage of when she would begin to show? 

She needed to know, and I needed to tell her before it was going to eat me alive. 

But today, I got out of bed, and she stretched, blinking.

"Maven, what are you doing up? It's 5 in the morning." She murmured, reaching for me. 

I smiled at her as I buttoned my shirt. "I just need to take care of something, Mare. Just go back to sleep. I'll see you at breakfast." 

Sinking back under the covers and pillows, she fell asleep and I rubbed my eyes. 

Why was I lying to her in the first place? This was a illegal age for her to be pregnant, as a Calore. 

Sure, it didn't matter as much because she was queen, but many of the High Houses would be furious. 

And demand I re-do Queenstrial, and place Mare aside. Cast her away and disgrace her and my child. 

Walking down the hall, Sonya popped up by my side. "Maven, when are you going to tell her about her age?" 

Sonya, Seline, Evangeline, Elane, and me were the only ones who knew that Mare was still technically 19 years old. 

And they hadn't said a word. 

I sighed. "I know I need to eventually, but it's going to hurt her so badly." 

Sonya placed a hand on my shoulder. "She's going to be okay. Especially knowing her closest friends knew? She'll take the blow on all of us, and sure. She'll be mad. But she has a right to be, but you did this not for a selfish reason. You did this because it was Mare's dream she could be a mother. You did this so that she would be happy." 

I stop, and nod. "Thank you, Sonya." 

She shrugs. "Just hope you're still alive by the time you're done telling her." 

I shoot a glare at her and she smirks as she walks away. 

I know Sonya's right though. 


Maven said he had business to attend to, and I don't investigate further. If it's important, he'll let me know. 

Such as our Lakelands and Piedmont issue. 

The people 'in charge' had a Piedmont bomb because they were trying to take it away from people who could cause war. 

But the bomb had been faulted, and had gone off anyway, killing 4 of their members. 

We found the people in charge for it, a group of people named The Reveri, who had not wanted to cause harm. 

We got the group, but they had a good cause. 

One that I saw myself encouraging. 

They wanted to end caste systems. 

Anything below a noble, would be elevated. 

Slums would be re-designed into new living quarters, and the factories would start to go green for nature. 

Maven found the cause worrisome,  that the caste systems would revolt against the royals, and nobles, begging to be elevated.

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