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LYRA WALKED DOWNSTAIRS, an extra bounce in her step ever since she had gotten the news about a wizarding school, Hogwarts. In her birthday in March, a witch named Professor McGonagall had arrived, just like she did to all muggleborns, or that's what she called them. Unfortunately, her father had been on an urgent business trip that week, though he congratulated her when she announced it, acting as if he had been expecting it. Of course, Lyra was in too much of a state of bliss to think anything of it.

Now, it was the middle of July, only two months away from going to Hogwarts, and she silently went to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal. She had always been a morning person, waking up earlier than both of her parents to finish school homework or take out the cat that her parents had gotten her in June. 

She had been begging for a pet since she was little, but when the Hogwarts list said they could bring a cat, owl, or toad, her parents finally didn't have an excuse to say no. So, her pitch-black cat that Lyra named Nova moved into the kitchen behind her, purring as the girl tapped Nova's nose and giggled.

She watched the sunrise and finished her cereal, taking a seat on the bench outside and waiting for the postman to come, just like every other day.

This was how it was every morning, peaceful and quiet as she sometimes read a book or the newspaper from the day before.

At seven o'clock, Lyra just finished her cereal and the postman came on his bike, throwing the newspaper on the pavement and waving to Lyra, who gave a small smile in return.

She petted Nova one more time before grabbing the paper and heading back inside, placing her bowl in the sink. She moved to the kitchen table, planning on reading the paper before her parents came down, even though they didn't mind it.

However, she dropped the paper before even getting to read the headline.

It was pure shock.

The picture on the front looked identical to her father, and because of that, it looked uncannily like Lyra herself.

The worst part about it wasn't the man's features, but the gaunt, depressed, and insane look on his face.

Regaining herself, Lyra picked up the paper again, this time only letting out a small gasp as she once again saw the similarities between herself and the man.

She wondered for a moment whether she could be related to him; after all, no one could look so similar and be only strangers, but her father didn't have any family. It was only her grandparents and a third cousin or so on her mother's side. 

Finally, after staring at the picture for long enough, she took a glance at the article:

Mass murderer Sirius Black has escaped prison and is at large. Black was convicted for the murder of 13 people, and was found laughing over their bodies-

Lyra stopped reading, hearing footsteps down the stairs. Realizing it was her father, she held up the paper, comparing the two, eyes widening at their similarities.

"What are you comparing me to? Something good, I hope?" asked her father, Reg Rogers, mocking a pose and going to the coffee maker in the kitchen.

Lyra didn't say anything, and this time, rushed to the living room, holding up the paper to herself, while still trying to think of an explanation.

Her looks had definitely come mostly from her father, as she had the same black hair and grey eyes, the same cheekbones and lips. Though her smile came from her mother, Amelia Rogers, and her dad had always said that was the best feature of her.

But now, looking at the picture, she noticed that her hair looked much closer to the man in the picture than her father, whose black hair curled slightly, and hers was perfectly straight. Of course, her mother's hair was like that, and Lyra had always thought it was because of her, but looking at this Black person in the newspaper, she couldn't help but think that it was just like hers.

Lyra's dad came inside the living room with his freshly brewed coffee, smiling until he saw Lyra holding up the paper, which he still couldn't see the front of.

Reg Rogers was slightly unusual, with scars that covered all of his arms, but didn't look like usual papercuts. He also often wore long sleeves, even in the summer.

"What are you looking at, Lyra?" he asked softly, looking slightly concerned.

Instead of answering, Lyra handed him the paper, which he chuckled to. However, when he looked at the paper, his face palled. He froze, eyes widening at the title and the picture.

"Do you know him?" asked Lyra tentatively.

Her dad hesitated for a moment, but then shook his head and tore his eyes from the paper, "No."

Lyra didn't believe that for a second, but she nodded and sat down on the couch, letting her dad go up to the room, still holding the paper.


IT WAS THE DAY AFTER finding the newspaper article, and Lyra knew that she shouldn't have been eavesdropping. Really, she had just woken up like usual to hear people talking in her parents' bedroom. Of course she would listen, because nobody was usually awake as early as her.

"I don't know whether we should send her there-" came her dad's voice.

"But he doesn't know about her, or about you, does he?" there was her mum's.

"No," he sighed. "I made sure to give him strict instructions-"

"Well then, we can't deprive her of her education." Lyra knew at once they must have been talking about Hogwarts, but didn't know why.  She had an odd feeling that it had something to do with the newspaper article, but didn't push it.

Her dad sighed one more time, and she could almost picture him rubbing his forehead, "Alright."


Author's Note: 

Hello! Here's the first chapter which I hope you enjoyed! I have a lot planned for the actual mystery part of this story but I wanted to ask you guys whether you wanted a love story in this or not. If so, who do you think should be the love interest? Keep in mind, Lyra would be two years younger than Harry's year. I first thought about Harry, but realized I already have 2 HarryxOC's... I'm not against making another, but I also think I might want to mix it up so maybe Ron Weasley? We'll have to see...Thank you!

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