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IT WOULD BE A LIE TO say that Kiara and Ginny weren't sore losers, even if it wasn't even their house that had lost the Quidditch game. Alex, on the other hand, congratulated Lyra and her house, making the Quidditch-obsessed girls highly confused.

The next game would be Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw, and Ginny was already talking about it.

Of course, Lyra wouldn't say anything against it because she was honestly really interested.

They were studying in the library when Lyra remembered that with all of the bustle of her new friends, she had nearly forgotten the reason she had spent so much time in the library in the first place: Regulus Black.

She wondered whether Ginny would know anything about the Blacks, seeing as she was a pureblood and a part of the 'Sacred Twenty-Eight'; maybe she could play it off by trying to learn more about Sirius Black.

"Ginny," she inquired, "You're a pureblood, aren't you?"

"Yes," Ginny responded simply, glancing up with a bit of a confused face. 

"Well, I was just wondering what you knew about the Blacks."

Alex and Kiara looked up as well from their books, Kiara studying Lyra with a judging look. Ginny closed her book, fiddling with her fingers as she thought. "I know that we're probably related to them distantly, all purebloods are, but I don't know much about them. Weasleys have been labeled as blood traitors for a long time, so we don't associate much with them, especially since we're usually sorted in Gryffindor and them in Slytherin."

"But you talk with me and I'm a Slytherin."

"Yeah, but that's different; you're not a blood supremacist -"

"Why do you ask?" Kiara added sharply.

"Just interested you know," Lyra responded vaguely, "I've been told I.. uh.. well, look like Sirius Black a lot."

"You know, I can see that," Alex added, holding up her hands and closing one eye, examining Lyra.

"What are you really asking?" Kiara said, narrowing her eyes at the Slytherin. Ginny elbowed her, practically telling her to stop being rude, but Lyra knew she would continue being suspicious if she didn't say anything.

A part of Lyra was worried that telling them would make them leave her in the dust, because surely they would be better off without her. However, if they were really her friends as they said, then what was there to lose?

She sighed and got up, heading to the corner of the library where she had found the book called the Sacred Twenty-Eight. She returned to the table, opening the book to the page of Regulus Black's photo, pushing it toward the other girls.

"Regulus Black? Never heard of him," Ginny stated.

"No shit, he died 12 years ago."

"The brother of Sirius Black?"

"What does this even have to do with you?" Kiara finally directed the attention back to Lyra, who looked at the girls nervously.

"Well... see.. the thing is... mydadlooksjustlikehimandithinkthathemightbehimindisguise," she rushed out.

"Yeah, you're going to need to say that again," Kiara said bluntly, readjusting her glasses.

Lyra took a deep breath and said it again, "It's just, the picture looks identical to my dad."

The three girls had completely different reactions: Ginny's eyes widened as she looked back and forth from the picture to Lyra, Alex gasped and once again stared at Lyra with one eye closed, and Kiara leaned back, running a hand through her short hair and looking at the picture as well.

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