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IT WAS SEVEN IN THE morning and Lyra woke up a bit later than usual. She glanced around before getting up and starting to get ready, having to remind herself momentarily that she was at Hogwarts.

It surprised her as she left the bathroom that Astoria was already out of bed and Adelyn was just getting out.

Both girls narrowed their eyes at her, making Lyra only rush a bit quicker to grab a piece of parchment and a quill before heading down to breakfast.

The Great Hall only had a few people there, so she took a seat at the end of the Slytherin table, trying not to focus on the eyes that were looking at her, either with a glare or with curiosity, and started writing.

Dear Mum and Dad,
Hogwarts is amazing! I got sorted into Slytherin, which is apparently very strange for muggle-borns. -

She didn't know whether she should say anything about whatever they had called her last night, seeing as it probably wasn't something important, right?

-I guess the students aren't the most welcoming; they're mostly purebloods around here. Either way, it's still really interesting because the Slytherin common room is actually under the lake - I nearly had a heart attack this morning because I saw a mermaid outside the window!-

That was actually true, and she wondered quite a bit about the other creatures in the lake, but didn't feel comfortable asking any of the other girls in the dorm.

-Also, did you know that Sirius Black is actually a wizard? It's very strange, but Hogwarts has extra security around the castle, creatures called dementors, to keep us safe. 
I'll be getting to my first class now.

Missing you,

Lyra nodded in confirmation, stuffing a piece of toast in her mouth and taking the letter out of the great hall, even though she had no idea where the supposed owlery was. She had thought about maybe asking her parents about their heritage, if maybe there was a wizarding line somewhere? But that couldn't be. 

However, she also wondered a lot about what the sorting hat had said. If Slytherins couldn't be muggle-borns, then why was she a Slytherin? It had said something about her not being what she thought. Did that mean that she wasn't a muggle-born? And why did she have a gut feeling that this had something to do with her similarities with Sirius Black?


LYRA HAD DECIDED to put the suspicions that she had about being truly muggle-born in the back of her brain as she started her classes. She was determined to make herself just as worthy as the other purebloods and half-bloods and prove herself to Hogwarts.

She actually did quite well at this, and found herself glad that most teachers didn't have any personal bias against Slytherins. However, she found that she had not as much luck with the person that she thought would be the exact opposite, Professor Snape.

Severus Snape was the Head of Slytherin and the Potions Master, and he seemingly hated Lyra Rogers. 

Lyra didn't know what she had done to have Snape sneer at her and dock her points, even from Slytherin, his own house, but he seemed to hate her either way. This was quite upsetting, she thought, because she seemed to have a natural talent for potions and was probably the best in her class (not that she would say it aloud) but Snape would never show it. The only thing that made it worse was that Potions was with the Gryffindors, who were extremely rude towards the Slytherins, as if they were all blood supremacists.

She glanced to the Slytherin table after getting out of Potions, wondering what she had done. Was even the teacher one of those pureblood maniacs? Did he hate her because she was muggleborn? For some reason, that didn't seem right.

The girls in her dorm were sitting together near a group of third years, who definitely did not look welcoming, so she sat towards the edge of the table, hoping that no one would come to confront her.

Of course, that wouldn't happen.


IT WAS FINALLY THE WEEKEND, and Lyra could say that it went decently well. Though none of the other teachers were outright rude to her like Snape was, they did seem to look at her oddly, almost like Daphne Greengrass had on the train, and the other girls in her dorm.

When she was little, some other kids looked at her weirdly because of her grey eyes, and she knew that they definitely not ordinary eyes, but it seemed that they meant something more in the wizarding world.

And she was going to find out.

Lyra snuck out of the Slytherin common room early in the morning after stealing a book from a desk, heading to the library where barely anyone was. She took a seat towards the back of the library, hoping that no one would find her, and opened it up.


It held a list of pureblood last names, some of which she recognized like Greengrass, Nott, Malfoy, Black. Turning the page, started the family trees. 

It was labeled ABOTT at the top of the page, before splitting into small vines. The small vines connected even smaller portraits, with names written underneath each of them. Many of the pictures at the top were crossed out, showing that they were dead.

However, the Abott family was not what she wanted to read about. So, she flipped the page again, passing the Abott family's pictures, and then Avery, and moving on to Black.

Moving to the bottom, she saw the five youngest:

Bellatrix Black ~ Rodulphus Lestrange
Andromeda Black ~ Ted Tonks
Narcissa Black ~ Lucius Malfoy
Sirius Black
Regulus Black [deceased]

Andromeda and Sirius were crossed out, showing they were disowned, while Regulus Black's said deceased underneath.

It was a bit surprising that Sirius Black was actually disowned, though that wasn't what she was worrying about.

She flipped that page to see the pictures of the Black Family. Once again looking at the bottom, she saw Sirius Black, just like he was shown in the newspapers, though younger, and clearly happier. The picture was moving, and he was obviously trying not to laugh, finally letting it out at the end. He was specifically wearing a Gryffindor scarf, while almost everyone else in the portraits were wearing small features of Slytherin green.

However, the next picture made her heart stop.

It was her father.

But it couldn't be her father. Regulus Black was labeled deceased and these books were magically updated. However, it was obviously him, even if a little more gloomy and without his scars.

She flipped back and forth, looking over and over again at the line that said Regulus Black [deceased] and the picture that could only be her father.


Authors Note: 

Hello! I suppose that Snape would probably be very suspicious of her, seeing as she looks a lot like Sirius Black. More of the plot will come soon, this is just sort of introducing her to Hogwarts.  Also, starting the mystery as she can see Regulus. I don't know if they actually have books like this, but I thought it would be cool. Hope you like it! <3

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