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THE NEXT QUIDDITCH MATCH came and this time, Lyra happily joined Ginny in the Gryffindor stands, to a few peoples' confusion. They had seen the Slytherin join the group often, yet Lyra was still a Slytherin, something that set her apart.

Of course, she wasn't technically rooting for either side, and realized for a moment that it might have been better to go to the Ravenclaws, who were on better terms with Slytherins, but it was too late to change that.

She was able to pay much better attention now that it was sunnier to the seeker she wanted to, Harry Potter. He was supposed to be the best in the entire school after he had been put on the team in his first year, and she wanted to see it for herself.

In addition, he had recently gotten a Firebolt, a new broom that was supposed to be incredible.

Her eyes followed the seekers, Cho Chang for Ravenclaw and Harry for Gryffindor, occasionally wandering to the redhead that was standing with Granger nearby. Gryffindor scored a goal, and she narrowed her eyes slightly at Granger, who leaned closely into Ron's shoulder.

However, Ginny let out an excited yell and Lyra focused on the game again.

She watched as Harry went into a dive and Cho followed right behind him. They were near the other side of the stadium, and Lyra couldn't see much except for a flash of light around that area and then the crowd erupting in cheers. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and the other players jumped off their brooms. She could see out of the corner of her eye Granger and Ron rushing down through the sides. 

Next to her, Ginny was jumping up and down, yelling with her red hair whipping in her face. She was sure that Kiara and Alex were probably yelling out in the Ravenclaw stands as well, even if Ravenclaw lost.


Lyra returned to the Slytherin common room by herself that night, Ginny joining the Gryffindor party and Alex and Kiara going to their respective common rooms. However, the next day was hit with a shock.

"-And then he said that it was Sirius Black above him with a knife!" Ginny finished telling the tale of what had happened in the Gryffindor common room the night before. Lyra had to admit, it was slightly scary, but why would he go there in the first place?

"Because of Longbottom?" Kiara scoffed, wiping her glasses, and Ginny nodded. "Should have known -"

"That's rude," Alex interrupted, "I'm sure Neville didn't mean to."

"Yeah," Ginny agreed, but Kiara interrupted, turning on Ginny. 

"Well, even if he didn't mean to, it was still stupid."

"Oh, shove off."

Throughout the day, everywhere they went they saw signs of tighter security; Professor Flitwick could be seen teaching the front doors to recognize a large picture of Sirius Black, which actually ended up being a bit of an issue. Lyra was once again reminded of their similarities as a woman in a portrait that had bad eyesight yelled out for a professor, only to realize that it was the muggleborn Slytherin.

Filch was suddenly bustling up and down the corridors, boarding up everything from tiny cracks in the walls to mouse holes. Ginny said that the Gryffindor portrait had been replaced with another annoying one and had security trolls guarding the entire area.

"But did you know that Sirius Black used to be a Gryffindor?" Lyra brought up at lunch, which took the others by surprise.

"How do you know that," Kiara narrowed her eyes; it seemed like she was constantly suspicious or in an arguing mood.

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