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LYRA CHECKED HER BAG for the fifth, no, sixth time to make sure that she had everything packed. Of course, her mom had been delighted that Lyra had made friends, and immediately agreed when getting the call from the Weasleys offering to take her to the Quidditch World Cup (Also giving them tips not to yell into the phone next time to use it). 

Now, it was finally the beginning of August, and after exchanging letters all summer, to Ginny (who complained about her brothers, but stated that Harry and Hermione would also be coming), Alex (who was taking a trip to France to visit her mother's side of the family, and sent different postcards every time), and Kiara (whose letters were scarce and short, mainly just a statement to show that she was alive after the others would get concerned).

As expected, Kiara wasn't able to come, and Alex's trip had been planned last minute, so Lyra would be the only one of their friend group to come along, but she was still excited.

"They should be coming any moment now, shouldn't they?" came her mother's voice from downstairs. Molly Weasley, Ginny's mum, had said that Arthur, Ginny's dad, would be coming along with Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny through 'floo powder', which she didn't know was possible for muggleborns, and then they would go to pick up Harry right after.

She threw her bag over her shoulder and jumped down the stairs to find her mom in the living room. Lyra suspected her father was still in his office; she expected him to say goodbye, but with his constant schedule of leaving any time there would be encounters with wizards or witches, she guessed that he wouldn't leave any time soon.

"Yeah, I think so," she responded, taking one of the biscuits out of the bowl on the table and popping it in her mouth. "But I don't really know how floo powder works, so I'm not sure."

"Well, it's exciting isn't it?" said her mom. Lyra chuckled and nodded, and there was a sudden crash of noise coming from the living room.

Her eyes widened and she ran in to see a red-headed man with glasses there, wiping soot off of his jacket. His head jerked up and a smile appeared on his face as he looked around in wonder. "Hello there, dear. You're Lyra aren't you?"

Lyra jumped back into reality, realizing this man was most likely Arthur Weasley. Before she could respond, bright green flames appeared in the fireplace, but this time two people came out, and then another right behind them.


"Gin, we said we were going!"

"She's my friend, why would you go?!"

"Because we wanted to -"

"Get your elbow out of my face!"

"If you get your knee away from my- AAHHHH!"

Out of the blur of red-headed people, Ginny became visible, looking triumphant. The one who had yelled, she had no idea who since the other two were identical, probably Fred and George, whimpered in pain as he limped up.

"You kicked me in the privates!"

"Your fault for not letting me go first -"

"We're the oldest!" they were back to bickering, and the twin that wasn't injured helped the one who was to the couch.

Through all of this, Amelia stood in shock and Mr. Weasley was yelling out, "Weasleys! Weasleys!" in hopes of calming them down.

In fact, they were making so much noise that another figure came running down the stairs.

"What's going on -" Lyra's dad's eyes widened at the scene, but Arthur turned around.

It was going so fast, Lyra could barely pay attention. Mr. Weasley raised his wand, Amelia jumped in front of Reg, and another red-head came through the fireplace. The uninjured twin and Ginny were yelling at each other as the other clutched a pillow.

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