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THE GROUP OF FOUR took a different table than the one that Lyra usually sat at, and she absently realized that the Golden Trio was not there anymore. She had heard Draco Malfoy call them that once in a mocking way, but it had really stuck with her brain.

"Well, you are Lyra Rogers, aren't you?" Ginny asked as soon as they sat down, and Lyra nodded. "Ok, did you guys even introduce yourselves?" this time she directed the question at the other two girls. Alex nodded brightly but Kiara simply rolled her eyes. Ginny sighed and started.

"Well, I'm Ginny Weasley-"

"Like Ron Weasley?" Lyra cut in, forgetting about her short moment of shyness and realizing the similarities.

"Yes," Ginny nodded, "How do you know Ron?"

"Oh, uh-" Lyra blushed slightly, "I just met him in the hallways one day. He stopped Malfoy and his gang."

Ginny chuckled but said, "Yeah, he's my brother. There's also Fred and George, they're in fifth year right now. Percy's Head Boy," she scoffed in disgust, "and Charlie and Bill already graduated."

Lyra's eyes widened at the amount of siblings Ginny had; she had heard Slytherins taunting about how the Weasleys had too many children to pay for but she didn't know there were so many.

"And this is Kiara Summers -"

"I can introduce myself, thank you very much."

Ginny scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Well, you weren't doing it so-"

Alex leaned in towards Lyra and whispered quietly, "They argue a bit, but you get used to it."

"I'm Kiara Summers, Hufflepuff, don't call me a pushover or it might be the last thing you do," Kiara finally introduced herself.

Lyra's jaw dropped a bit but nodded, feeling somewhat like she was being put into a cult. As if reading her mind, Alex said brightly, "And it may seem like a cult but we're really nice if you get to know us."

Lyra nodded and gave a smile; the chaos between the three, Kiara being blunt and fierce, Alex bright and enthusiastic, and Ginny right in the middle made her feel right at home.


Dear Mum and Dad,

I made some new friends! They're all second years but they sort of adopted me and are really nice. Ginny Weasley (Ron's sister) is a Gryffindor; did you know that she has six brothers?? Then, there's Kiara Summers in Hufflepuff. She's a bit rude at first but I can tell that she doesn't mean it. And then there's Alex Lester in Ravenclaw, who's really nice.

Apparently, Kiara and Alex had met on the train ride in their first year, and brought Ginny into their group the year after because of 'the chamber incident' in their first year. I don't really know what it is, but they don't seem to like to talk about it and it makes Ginny really upset, so it'll be fine.

Another Quidditch match is coming soon, and I'm really excited. Ginny was able to explain some more of the game to me, and I think I might try out next year if I can.



EVEN ONLY A FEW DAYS spent with the other girls showed Lyra a lot of their personality. 

Ginny, though incredibly kind and caring, could easily lose her temper and got in quite a few arguments with Kiara. She also had moments where, if she were to daydream, she would quickly snap out of it and breathe heavily. It seemed like it was because of the chamber incident, which Alex had only briefly explained. 

"The Chamber of Secrets was opened last year because of a diary that possessed her." Lyra wished that she was making a joke, but it really didn't seem like she was.

Kiara was just as blunt as when they first met, but at least a little less rude. She could often be found with her head in a book or bickering with Ginny. Nonetheless, it was obvious why she was in Hufflepuff because she was incredibly hardworking and patient when helping Alex with Defense Against the Dark Arts homework.

Alex seemed to be the only one who was exactly as Lyra had expected, bubbly and outgoing. One thing that confused Lyra was that she wasn't the stereotypical 'smart' Ravenclaw, as she admitted that she struggled in a few subjects. 

"What even is the point of studying Defense if we're not getting attacked?! We're in Hogwarts! And besides, I'd much rather start Ancient Runes a year earlier."

That seemed to be Alex's specialty and she couldn't stop talking about when she would be able to start Ancient Runes the next year. They were usually the only books that you could find her reading and the only subject that she was extremely enthusiastic about learning.

As for Quidditch, Ginny was obsessed, Kiara found it interesting when she could argue with Ginny about it, and Alex was somewhat supportive. Lyra didn't mind when they all teamed up with Ravenclaw for the next match instead of Slytherin, as Gryffindor had a long rivalry with the snakes and Hufflepuff needed the Ravenclaws to win to get a closer lead. 

Even though Lyra was slightly tempted to join the Ravenclaws in their side of the stands, her pride was too strong to abandon her house, so she wrapped a green scarf around her neck, watching the game in complete awe.

Ravenclaw made the first goal, and she could vaguely see a figure with long blonde hair screaming in excitement. However, the next two goals were scored by Slytherin, and Lyra couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed by their tactics. The Ravenclaw Keeper had been taken out by a bludger that was directed way too hardly at him.

Up above, she focused on the two seekers, Draco Malfoy and Cho Chang circling the stands. 

Ravenclaw scored twice. Then Slytherin, and Ravenclaw again. Ravenclaw scored three more times, making them way ahead, however, Lyra spotted a glimmer of gold near the commentators' area. 

She gasped, taking a look up to the two seekers, wondering whether they had seen the snitch.

It took a few seconds, but Malfoy swooped down, followed closely by Chang. Her breath hitched as she kept her eye on the snitch, both seekers chasing after it. Malfoy's broom, by no doubt, was faster, though Chang had more skill. 

It was at the last second when a bludger shot down, and Chang dived out of the way, Malfoy wrapping his fingers around the snitch.



Authors Note:

Wow it's actually really hard to write Quidditch. I love their friendship so much and have a lot planned, so stay tuned...

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