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LYRA GROANED INTERNALLY; this was not how she wanted to be found.

"Mr. Malfoy, what is happening?" 

Lyra looked frantically at the two. Malfoy was smirking, and hid the book behind him, while Snape glared maliciously at her.

"Rogers was trying to hex me, sir," he said promptly, and Lyra was aware of the wand she was holding out.

"Detention, Ms. Rogers, for two weeks. Now, get in my class."

She resisted the urge to turn around and actually hex Draco because she knew it would be to no use. However, what happened next was something that she would almost never forget.

"Arrogant like her father most likely," Snape mumbled, so quiet that Lyra could barely hear it.

"What?" she asked sharply.

He ignored her.

And started the class.


LYRA WASN'T COMPLETELY sure on whether to share the information of the morning with the other girls. Sure, they were helping with this mystery, but she had really only known them for a few months. It would be better to hide it for now.

And after that, the weeks pass by quickly. While Lyra is trying to study as much as possible, Kiara and Ginny are more laid back, promising that they would do just fine in the exams, and Alex insisted that the only test she needed to study for was Defense Against the Dark Arts, though she mainly did that due to Kiara's pestering.

"Have you heard of the Quidditch World Cup this summer?" asked Ginny one afternoon as they were studying under a leaning willow tree by the Black Lake.

Lyra's head snapped up. "There's a Quidditch World Cup?!"

"Yeah," answered Kiara, looking up from where she was quizzing Alex, "Though I highly doubt my parents would let me go."


"They're very... how do I say this? Old fashioned, I guess. Even though I'm a halfblood, they both grew up in very posh wizarding households, and they don't really like to encourage me playing Quidditch."

Lyra was slightly surprised. By the way Kiara dressed and how her hair was cut short ever since she met her, she had actually thought it quite the opposite.

"But, what do they have against Quidditch? Isn't that a wizarding sport?"

"No, it's not that they don't like Quidditch, my dad actually played for Hufflepuff in his day. They don't like me playing Quidditch. As in, they think it's 'unladylike,'" Kiara made air quotes.

Lyra gasped, but Ginny nodded sympathetically.

"I get that, my brothers don't let me play with them that much; I've had to sneak on brooms in the shed late at night to learn how to play."

Lyra was in shock. Was this actually common in the Wizarding World? She looked to Alex, who put her hands up and scooted back.

"Don't look at me, I'm muggleborn and have no interest in Quidditch whatsoever," she stated.

However, Ginny brought the conversation back to the beginning. "But if you want to come, I'm sure my family will let you! Ron's bringing Harry and Hermione, so it should be just fine."

Lyra beamed.

"Of course!"


THE FINAL EXAMS CAME and went in a blink for Lyra. She expected it to be much harder, or take up more time, yet it all seemed to flow by.

She was pretty sure that she did alright in most of her classes, maybe a bit of a lower grade in Herbology and Transfiguration, but she was still quite proud of it.

Ginny had said that she would organize the Quidditch World Cup with Lyra more throughout the summer, and Lyra and Alex teamed up to try and show her how to use a telephone.

Kiara, however, seemed the glummest about having to return home soon. She was shorter with Ginny, talked less, and wore a permanent scowl on her face. Alex backed off from her during this time, and Ginny and Lyra quickly followed her lead, as an angry Kiara was not fun to deal with.

However, the biggest surprise came on the morning after the last exam. She had woken up early and headed to the Great Hall as usual. It was nearly empty, exactly how she liked it.

So, she left quickly after eating a piece of toast in hopes of not running into anyone else just as the first Slytherins started trickling in, apparently missing the big news.

Lyra later found Alex, Kiara, and Ginny in the library talking in hushed whispers.

"What's... going on?"

The girls looked at each other and back at Lyra. "Didn't you hear?" Alex asked quietly.

"Um... no?"

"The news about Professor Lupin!"

"What news about Professor Lupin?" She quite liked that teacher, even if he would randomly stare at her during class. She supposed it was for the same reason most people did, her being a muggleborn Slytherin.

"Snape announced it in the Great Hall this morning," said Ginny.

Lyra sat down next to her, starting to get slightly frustrated. "Will you just tell me what news this is? And why it's so important?"

"Professor Lupin's a werewolf,"

Kiara stated bluntly.

Lyra gasped.

"Aren't those... dangerous?"

"Obviously they're dangerous, they literally will eat anything in their path on a full moon. You can bet my dad's probably going to write a complaint to Dumbledore."

"Wait what?" asked Lyra; she didn't know why Kiara would want her dad to write anything because as far as she knew, Kiara didn't get along well with her family.

"Yeah, and it makes no sense! Honestly, I'm just fine with Lupin being a werewolf, I mean, we haven't gotten injured all year, have we? But he's going to be irrational about it all summer!"

Ginny and Alex looked sorry. "You know, Kiara, I would have let you come over to my-"

"Yeah, I know, I know."

Kiara took her bag and threw it over her shoulder, walking out of the library furiously.

They were silent for a few minutes before Ginny spoke up. "What was that about? Is she so upset about Lupin -"

"No," Alex sighed. "It's just because the school year's almost over. She was like this last year too. She just gets... easily irritated."

"Huh, well it's not our fault that she doesn't want to go home," muttered Ginny.

She also closed her book and left the library. 

Alex shook her head sadly and returned to her book.

Lyra did the same, even though she wasn't focusing on the random book she had pulled from the shelf. Instead, wondering whether every year was going to be as crazy as this one.


Authors Note:

Kiara's backstory is actually going to be really interesting to write... Quidditch World Cup!!
Also, I was wondering if anyone had any fancast ideas for Kiara and Alex!
In case you forgot, Kiara has short brown hair and thick, square glasses, Alex has long blonde hair :) If you have any suggestions, pls let me know :))

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