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Congratulations on getting into Slytherin! I'm sure that the other students will be nice once they get to know you, and don't forget that you can make friends with the other houses. Let us know more about your classes as well!
I hope that you're doing well, we miss you terribly.

Mum and Dad

Dear Mum and Dad,
Are you sure we don't have any magical blood? I was thinking of something that the sorting hat told me (I know, the hat can talk!) and I was wondering whether maybe we have a distant magical relative.
What was Mum's maiden name by the way?
I really enjoy potions, even though the professor doesn't seem to like me very much. Other than that, Defense Against the Dark Arts is also really fun (Professor Lupin is probably my favorite teacher).


Dear Lyra,
We don't have any magical relatives as far as I know. And your father actually took my last name, Rogers when we got married.
Potions sounds very interesting! How many have you made so far? I'm sure you're doing amazing!


Lyra read over the letter again, trying to think about it. She had thought originally that there may have been some sort of magical blood on her mother's side, thinking that she had changed her name when marrying her dad, but this actually made a lot of more sense.

However, the downfall of it was that there could be the small possibility that she was related to the Blacks.

The reputation of the Blacks was overwhelming as she read over it in the library, though it was also very powerful. They had once been one of the oldest and most noble pureblood families in wizarding history, though now the last remaining member was on the run and an Azkaban escapee.

Then, there was the picture of Regulus Black. Lyra had continued looking over it until she had to go to breakfast, putting the book back but hiding it to come back to later. 

With the later, her suspicions were practically confirmed of her father being the youngest Black, though how he had managed to convince the entire wizarding world that he was dead, she had no idea.

Lyra folded up the letter, making her way to the library while passing a group of third-year Slytherins. She found that those were probably the cruelest, mainly Draco Malfoy and his followers, as they had several times pointed out her muggle heritage, usually using the word 'mudblood'. Lyra didn't actually know what it meant, just that it was something bad.

She could only imagine what they would think if she were a Black.

A half-blood, true, but a Black.


THE TAUNTING FROM STUDENTS and strange looks from professors continued, yet Lyra paid no attention to them.

She resigned to the fact that Slytherins were going to hate her since she was muggleborn, and Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs were going to hate her since she was Slytherin.

Nonetheless, she spent her time studying or researching, the latter not really getting anywhere.

The next week, however, was something to look forward to as it was the first flying lesson. Even though it was with the Gryffindors, it was definitely exciting. She had heard about Quidditch from some older students talking in the library, and immediately looked into it, finding whatever books she could.

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