Chapter 39 {R}

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The third night — after two nights of barely closing an eye and barely eating, constantly watching him to see if anything would change — my body finally gave in to sleep.

I woke up to someone draping a blanket over my shoulders.

My head shot up, a haze still clinging to my senses. Energy drained.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," Jenna whispered with a soft smile. "I brought you some breakfast." She put down a plate with a few slices of bread and a glass of water. "But you should go back to sleep first."

When arms snaked around my waist, I looked to my other side to find Reese, her schoolbag strapped to her shoulders.

They did this every morning: drop by to see him before school, then again after school. They'd ask me for updates, if the doctors had said something, if anything had improved, but today they stayed quiet.

I pulled her closer, leaning my head on her shoulder as she reached for her brother's hand.

"Do you think he's cold? He feels cold," she muttered.

"Do you wanna help me give him this one? I think he could use the extra blanket," I told her, taking the blanket that Jenna had placed around my shoulders and helping Reese tug him in, knowing she was looking for the smallest ways to help him, to take care of him, just like we all were.

I tugged her onto my lap, wrapping my arms around her stomach from behind and holding her close.

Resting my chin on her shoulder, I watched her tap Zach's wrist, three times. The way he always does; sharing silent I love you's.

"Our mom used to do that," she said softly. "I don't remember, but Zach told me."

I held my breath, the small statement instantly adding so much more meaning to those three little taps, realising for the first time how much these little gestures had to mean to him. What the story behind it was.

"He always does it, too. Since she passed away."

Jenna swallowed, forced a small smile. "We gotta go, Ree, or you'll be late for school."

Reese nodded. I watched her trace her fingertips across Zach's arm, past the IV's, the bandages, to a strip of free, undamaged skin. She tapped the spot just below his inner elbow.

My breath hitched in my throat, my heart skipping a few beats, staring at the bit of bare skin like I was watching water catch on fire.

That, particular spot, wasn't supposed to be bare.

I checked his other arm, just in case, while I knew it was supposed to be his right one.

Neither of his arms wore what I was looking for.

His tattoo.

The black, curving lines that created the symbol we had entitled to our group of friends.


I remembered to breathe when Reese pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Bye, Riles." She jumped off my lap, then gently kissed Zach's cheek, just above the breathing mask. "Bye, Zachy."

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