Chapter 7 {R}

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Jonah's house was that kind of house all children loved to visit when they were younger.

With its wide halls and large rooms the building was a paradise for games such as hide-and-seek. The great garden that surrounded it was impossible to resist, the urge of playing tag coming to mind. Not to mention the large, square pool that was settled in the middle of the grass field, the cool water always inviting under the hot rays of the sun.

The house was welcoming from the open door to the wide windows that invited sunlight inside. Wherever you looked upon the walls, there were the photographs of children, Jonah and his siblings, so obviously so loved.

Every time I walked into the house, a smile came to my face. The happy, alighted surroundings never failed to bring joy to my mood. Mainly because of the people that lived inside; the warmth and kindness in their eyes instantly making you feel welcome.

"My mom and I just came back from grocery shopping, and boy, did we buy a lot of food," Jonah announced cheerfully. "I was thinking we could place the snacks and drinks over there, on that table."

All of us looked over our shoulder to see the table that was placed in the corner of the garden, distanced from the pool and covered in shadow.

"I'll take care of that," Lexa said.

Jonah nodded. "Awesome. We also need to get some garden chairs out, and we could place a few picnic blankets down on the grass so people can sit."

"Count me in," Corbyn smiled, to which Zach offered to help him.

We continued on dividing the tasks until we had everything covered. Jack and I ended up with the decoration lights, Daniel was in charge of the music, and Jonah would place party speakers around the living room and garden.

"Let's get moving, people," Jonah said, his features beaming with excitement.

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It took us more than two hours, but when we were finally done our work definitely paid off.

The table was filled with all kinds of snacks, from cucumbers to chocolate, paper cups accompanying the bottles of soda so people could help themselves out. Cheerful music with an upbeat vibe sounded through the speakers, the songs chosen by Daniel, who had wired everything together at the tech table with Jonah's laptop on it.

Garlands with colourful flags and cords with fairy lights decorated the wooden fence all around the garden, and together with the bright pool floats balancing on the surface of the water, there was an ecstatic atmosphere all around.

A grin settled on my features, the feeling of summer break finally kicking in.

"It's looking great, guys," Jonah's mom made herself known as she stepped outside.

She was carrying a large cream cake, the words "We'll miss you!" written on top in a fancy handwriting of melted chocolate.

It had been a long time since I had seen her wearing casual clothes, instead of her nurse gear. It made her appear differently, but the caring expression in her eyes remained the same.

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