Chapter 23 {R}

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One of the things I found most fascinating to witness, were times when people looked at their own reflection. You may not always realise it, but if you pay close enough attention, you can learn so much about a person's personality by the way they look at themselves in the mirror.

Do they look themselves in the eye? Does their gaze linger on their insecurities? Do they look away when someone catches them watching? Do they take their time, or are they eager to step away from their figure as soon as possible?

Zach didn't mind me watching him fix his hair in front of the mirror. He didn't abruptly stop his actions and look away, didn't rush to finish as soon as possible. He remained focused on himself, picking his fingers through his still slightly damp hair to smooth out the stray strands.

It didn't make him vain. It made him appear at ease. Comfortable. With himself and his surroundings.

I hadn't realised until now that his hair was getting longer, the wavy edges touching the rim of his eyes as they fell across his forehead.

I wondered if he realised how attractive he was. How attracted I was to him.

Especially in his working clothes: the silky black button up that he left undone at the top, tugged into his black jeans, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing the smooth lines of the tattoo on his bicep. The outfit suited him beyond words.

His eyes were soft, amusement twinkling inside of them, a small smile tugging at his lips as he caught me watching him in the mirror.

It was in moments like these that I knew exactly what love felt like. In these, simplest moments, when he wasn't even doing anything in particular.

I stepped forward, snaking my arms around his waist from behind and leaning my chin on his shoulder. "Hi," I smiled, watching his reflection.

"Hi," he smiled back, meeting my eyes. He dropped his hands to mine and pulled my arms further around his stomach. "You okay?"

I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. "I'm perfect."

He tilted his head. "I'm glad you finally agree with me."

This was the first time I saw my own reaction to his flirty compliments. Now I finally understood why he did it so often.

While I might've rolled my eyes at his words, the soft blush on my cheeks that I couldn't hide and wide smile on my face that I couldn't hold back gave away how I really felt: flattered, happy.

The butterflies were no longer in my stomach: they had shot up to my eyes, out in the open and for the world to see.

I was practically glowing.

"Well, if I'm perfect than you're flawless."

He chuckled. "It's nice to meet you, Perfect."

"It's nice to meet you, too, Flawless," I smiled.

I watched him look at our reflection in the mirror. At the sight of us, together. I didn't think we had ever seen ourselves actually together before.

"We do look pretty good together, huh?" He said with a soft smile.

If I was smiling before, there was no word to describe this expression on my face. "Like a power couple."

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