Chapter 25 {Z}

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I let myself fall back, resting my shoulder blades against the school lockers with a sigh. The hallway was quieting down as the students settled inside their classrooms.

Riley was running late.

The digits on my phone confirmed it.

I knew that if I wanted to make it to class in time, I had to go now. Something was holding me back, though.

Riley hated being late. I never made it to school before her and it definitely wasn't like her to miss first period.

I tried not to think too much of it, to jump to conclusions too fast, but the hint of worry that swirled around my stomach had me frozen in place, so I stayed put and waited for her to show up.

When she walked through the entrance, about a hundred feet away from me, the first thing I noticed was the stress soaking her features and I jumped back onto my feet, instantly alarmed.

"What's wrong?" I asked, scanning her up and down as she reached me, completely out of breath.

"Jack didn't come home last night," she gushed out. "You haven't seen him, have you? Is he at school?"

The announcement knocked me off guard. "No. I mean, I don't know, I haven't seen him." I blinked at her, frowned. "What do you mean he didn't come home? Like, not at all?"

She shook her head. "I haven't seen him since lunch yesterday."

Running her hands through her hair, she started to pace. "We've called him like a hundred times but he doesn't pick up and he doesn't respond to any texts."

I grabbed her arm, stilled her. "Breathe for a second. Maybe he's just with his girlfriend."

Her eyes shot to mine. "Then why doesn't he answer his phone to let us know that?"

Everything about her screamed worry and fear. She was scared, imagining the worst that could have happened. And to be honest, I couldn't blame her.

I tried to remain as calm as possible as I ran over our options. "Do you know where she lives? Camila?"

"Yeah." She pursed her lips. "Daniel's house."

I stared at her, confused for a second.

That's oddly convenient.

"Okay, great," I said. "We can drive by her house, see if he's there, okay? We can take my car."

The fact that she didn't point out we were supposed to be in class and eagerly agreed was enough for me to know how seriously she was taking the situation, and I felt panic spike up my back too.

"Let's go," I said, pulling her with me through the now empty hallway and towards the school entrance.

Just as we were about to reach the doors, someone — who was busy scrolling through his phone — walked in.

Because I still hadn't got used to his new haircut, it took me a second to recognise the familiar face we were just about to go looking for.

I actually heard Riley gush out a breath of relief, right before she flung around her brother's neck.

Jack, who had almost got knocked over and nearly dropped his phone in the process, looked beyond confused.

But besides that, he seemed perfectly fine.

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