Chapter 14 {R}

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I failed to keep up with myself as I had no idea what I was doing.

My eyes eyes darted from place to place, unable to focus with every gasp for air, my heart slamming against my chest, way out of my control, and my feet spinning me in every direction, ready to run but with no idea where to go. To safety. But I had no idea where that was.

And all of a sudden he was there, and I knew I had found it.

Zach stepped into my view, shielding the setting in front of me. His hands were on my shoulders, steadying me, cupping my cheeks, holding me together.

"Hey, look at me, Ri, look at me," he urged gently, lifting my chin up until my eyes found his.

His features were calm, his hazel eyes filled with so much understanding that I couldn't bring myself to look away.

He saw the memories flash through my eyes, the fear they left behind, the panic that left me shaking all over. He pulled me into his chest, his strong arms wrapping around my broken figure.

"It's okay, it's okay, I've got you, you're okay," he whispered calmly, pressing a kiss to my hair. "No one's going to hurt you, you're safe."

He rubbed my back up and down softly, letting me bury my head into the crook of his neck. "Do you hear my heartbeat?"

I felt his breath on my cheek as he spoke. I nodded.

"Just focus on that," he said gently. "It's beating just fine, right? And so is yours, so is Daniel's, Jack's, Jonah's, Corbyn's, Lexa's. We're all okay, everything's okay."

The soft stroking of his hand through my hair, together with the steady rhythm of his heartbeat and the reassurance in his voice had me calm down a bit.

He leaned back, his hands cupping my cheeks. His eyes moved between mine, holding my gaze, his thumbs brushing the tears off my skin.

"I know," he muttered under his breath. "I know how hard this is for you. I've been in your exactly same position. After my mom..." he paused, swallowed. "I didn't dare go back either. I loved that place, I really did, but I decided to give up on it. I'm not letting you do the same." His voice was soft but determined at the same time.

I closed my eyes as his lips touched my forehead. "I won't let anyone hurt you, not again, never again."

A promise. Not only to me, but to himself, too.

He rested his forehead against mine, hands holding my face, fingers caressing my cheeks. For a few moments that stretched into eternity, he remained silent. He gave me the chance to recover, to absorb, to realise.

I had to fight all my survival instincts that told me to get the hell out of here, forced my eyes to stay shut. Focusing on nothing more but his rhythmic heartbeat and steady breathing that touched my lips, I let his presence, his comfort, his safety, calm down my senses.

His hands brushed down my arms to make sure I wasn't shaking anymore. Then he captured my hands, holding them tightly in his. Almost as if he was scared I'd slip away from him, as if I'd disappear, fall far out of his reach.

His voice was low, raw with meaning. "Nothing can happen to you anymore," he said, and I felt his words touch my lips, slip into my head, settle in my mind. "And I'll prove it. Right here, right now."

He leaned back, searched for my eyes, waited for a sign of approval. I moved my head an inch. Nodded faintly.

I felt him squeeze my hands. The corner of his mouth twitched into a small, reassuring smile that I could barely recognise as his own.

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