Chapter 29 {Z}

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Coming home from a long day of work only to find my girlfriend sitting on my couch, wearing my clothes, with my sister on her lap as she was braiding her hair, did something to my heart I didn't know it was capable of.

It gave me hope for a future like this. A life like this.

I hadn't expected it, and the pureness of the moment hit me hard.

Maybe, at the age of eighteen, I was too young to think about this kind of stuff, and I might've gone way too ahead of myself, but every time I looked at her I knew.

I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. To fall asleep and wake up next to her every day. To share my last name with her at some point. To have a family with her. A home.

"How are my favourite girls in the world?" I smiled, leaning over the couch to kiss both of them on the cheek.

Reese turned around with so much excitement that Riley had to warn her to sit still or her braids would be ruined, but both of them ended up laughing.

"Look, Zach, I braided Riley's hair. She taught me," Reese beamed proudly.

I scanned over Riley's hair and found the long strands tied together in two braids. The kind of braids I could never figure out, that start at the base of your hairline right on top of your head.

They were a little too loose at the nape of her neck, causing a few strands to slip out and give the look a messy touch, but it looked great nevertheless.

"It looks amazing, Ree, that's crazy," I complimented.

Riley tied a rubber band around Reese's last braid, a cheeky smile playing on her lips. "What do you say, Reese, is Zach or Ryan next?"

Ryan's eyes snapped up at the sound of his name and we shared a wide-eyed look.

"Not me. Definitely Zach," he rushed out. "Good luck, I'm outta here."

"Oh great, thanks, man." I glared after him as he sprinted upstairs.

As Reese grabbed my arm, a trail of protests left my mouth whiningly.

"I'm gonna get you both back tonight, I wouldn't sleep if I were you," I grumbled as soon as I felt bobby pins and rubber bands being wavered into my hair.

But as much as I hated people messing up my hair, I did secretly enjoy listening to them laugh. And Reese was laughing her ass off.

"There you go, you look stunning." Riley's voice was flooded with amusement.

Right before I got the chance to turn around and pull everything back out, I already heard the flashing of a camera and found Riley grinning at the picture on her phone.

"That footage is gonna haunt me forever, isn't it?" I groaned.

"Definitely," she chuckled.

Then she quieted down and I watched her features change within less than a second, her mood dragged low by something I had yet to find out about.

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