[1] ➥ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

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[ 13:45 ]
you were playing with the kids, gabi, falco, udo, and zofia. you then saw pieck walk by, so you waved at her and smiled. she looked back at you, but did nothing. she looked away with a straight face and walked away with her crutches. a small frown came up on your face. gabi noticed you looked sad and asked,

"hey y/n ? are you alright ?"
"huh ? oh uh yeah, i'm just fine. let's go back to playing."
"oh, okay."

she walked over to everyone else while looking at you. you smiled at her trying to get her to get her to believe that you weren't sad. you walked over to them too after a few minutes.

[ 15:07 ]

everyone was tired from playing, so we went home. once you went in, you tried looking for pieck. you ran upstairs and saw her crawling on the floor.

"pieck !! are you okay ? where are your crutches ??"
"i'm fine, they're over there in my room."
"oh okay !! i'll get them for you !"
"no it's okay, i got it."
"but you need them."
"y/n. just let me do it myself."
"b-but i want to help you !!"
"i don't want your help, leave me alone."

she continued to crawl towards her room, while you stood in the same place. you looked down and a few tears left your face. you sniffled, while wiping your tears. you rubbed your nose and walked into your room. you locked the door and laid on your bed. you thought to yourself,

*how can i make her give me attention and care about me ?..*

you kept thinking for a few minutes, until you had an idea. you got up and sat down on your desk. you got a pencil and some paper. you started writing on it.

[ 17:33 ]

you finished your letter and went out to go send it. you went back home and into your room. you laid back on your bed and smiled.

*she'll finally care about me after this.*


you were laying on your bed in your room when there was a knock on the front door. you heard falco open the door. he then called you.


you shot up from your bed smiling. you quickly opened the door and ran down the stairs. without you noticing, pieck comes out of her room and looks down at you. you were now downstairs and you looked who was at the front door. you smiled so big and hugged the person at the door.



ahhh i didn't write much but i hope you like it !! i put a blank in the last sentence because i don't want to tell you who the person is. although some of you might know who the person is.

word count: 482

𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮. - pieck finger & fem. reader Where stories live. Discover now